Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My 4 1/2 day weekend.

What a weekend it was!!! I am back at work now :( but excited that on Friday my parents come for a visit to I have ANOTHER 4 day weekend! Woo Hoo!!!

So ... I was done with work at noon on Thursday. I hung out with the boys for a while and then had a bikini wax and pedicure scheduled at 3:00. The wax - I could do without ... and the pedicure was long freaking over-due! AAAAHHHHHHH ...

After dinner we took j and J to the local Fest. Big J was SO excited to go on the rides (for $28 he better have been!). I stopped and grabbed my first beer of the weekend, E got a BBQ sandwich and I got the boys some tasty fair treats.

Friday I woke up for Spin - yep - even on a day-off!. After the boys and I took a walk to the grocery for a few last minute items. I cooked for most of the morning and then took little j to the pediatrician at 3:00. He is a chunker, who screams the entire time ... but healthy.

I invited a close friend over for our cookout that evening and around 6:00 we all packed up and headed over to the horse track for some races, more beer, and then fireworks.

The boys were great. Big J got a bit cranky toward the end, but did well overall. They both loved the fireworks.

Saturday was a cloudy day. We blew up the bike tires, but the boys in the bike trailer and headed Downtown for a local Parade. It lasted for well over an hour, the boys collected enough candy to rot all of our teeth and, as a whole, we enjoyed ourselves as a family.

The rest of Saturday was spent relaxing before we headed to over to a friend's house for dinner and to let the kids play.

Sunday we spent at the Cubs game. We took the El down to the bus connection - a whole new experience for Big J - which he loved. The boys behaved wonderfully (they better have after hot dogs, nachos, cotton candy, pop, and other assorted $$ items!) and we all had a great day.

Thanks GOD I took yesterday off. I enjoyed it and treated it as such. A. DAY. OFF. The boys and I went to Panera in the AM for a scone and coffee. After we ate they headed over to the middle of the shopping center where there is a gazebo - we have often gone over there for a cookie, music and to goof around.

Well, the two of em started dancing and having a GREAT time - it was TOO cute. We shopped for a bit and ended up having lunch at one of Big J's favorite places, Noodles and Co.

We took little j home for a nap and then Big J and I headed over to the pool for some goofing around.

It was such a pleasant weekend. I wish it weren't over. I wish I weren't back at this rat trap of an office. .... Come on FRIDAY!

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