Thursday, July 9, 2009

Time in a Bottle

I try. Really, I swear, I try.

I want a clean house, happy kids, a satisfied husband. I would LOVE to get this little business venture of mine off the ground. But, time, oh time, once, you were a friend of mine. Where have you gone?

I knew that once the summer came along, and the days stayed around a lot longer (hallelujah, really, I cannot handle when it gets dark at 4:00), I knew the boys would stay up later. But, THIS late? Really?

By the time I get everyone in bed and get to MY life ... well ... my life now consists of going to BED!

I remember a time where the boys were in bed by 8:00, I would get my chores done and still have enough time for some personal time ... website browsing, facebooking, email, phone calls. I feel like I have 32 hours of work to squeeze into a 24 hour day.

I know other people have this same problem ... but how do you cope? Seriously?

If I truly want to walk away from this job that I HATE, I have to spend some time on my business - get the website created, a logo up and running .... but since I am trying to do this on my own .... it is going to take a while.

In the meantime, my parents are coming to visit tomorrow (Woo Hoo!), so I took Friday and Monday off. Maybe I should stick some of the extra time I might get with them here and throw it on a shelf for safe keeping. I can pull it out when I need some reserves!!!!!!

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