Friday, February 15, 2013

Beat me up days...

So, my lovely period must be coming any day now. Why? You ask? Well.....
I stare in the mirror 120 times a day and pick myself apart.
I hate my nose.
I think I need a new hairdo.
I will probably never lose my baby belly.
I am too short.
I can not handle the construction in my house anymore. Can. Not. Handle.
I have the patience of a pea. Make that half a pea.
Everyone.... E. V. E. R. Y. O. N. E. is under my skin.
I checked the calendar and, yep, it's about time.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


So, in this crazy world of being a stay at home mom, I've come to a scary revelation: Saturday mornings have lost their excitement. Really, they have.
I use to be excited about maybe getting a few extra seconds of sleep while the boys watched cartoon (a cute 6 month old has changed that), or breakfast out, or maybe just a lazy cup of coffee.
Well, Saturday mornings have become just like Monday mornings/ just with one extra child and a husband who still thinks Saturdays are days to sleep in.
I still get up with lady l, feed the children, clean the mess, listen to the whining, and watch little j wander back and forth because 'he's bort cuz he cannot play on his video game.'
Think I need a little break in some of the monotony?
Hell yes!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013


Ever just have one if those days?

You know, the ones where you feel yucky, you feel like you 'look' yucky, your house is messy, the kids, messy .......

Yep, today is one of those days!