Monday, November 25, 2013

Note to self

Stop drinking when you are tipsy, the next drink will make you drunk. 


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Make a mental note

Did a dummy and said yes, back in August, to being Big J's football team's team mom. 

They said there wasn't that much involved. 
I will say that again. Ha. With a freaking capital 'h'. 
I first had to compile the team roster- no biggie, but when people don't respond to 19 email, it sucks chasing them down. 
Then it was telling everyone about there game day duties: working the chains, doing the announcing, bringing the halftime Gatorade. 
Well, people bitched about when thy were doing it, why, could someone else do it....
Then I had to plan a beginning if the season party. Apparently asking each family to chip in $6 to go for pizza pissed several people off that thought it was unfair that a family if two would pay the same as a family of four. 
It continued all season. 
Send out game day reminders, pick up freaking pink socks for pink out day, pick up helmet stickers, gather more money, prepare homecoming banners, pick up homecoming banners, plan trophy party, replan trophy party when we get a game scheduled. 
People want me to reschedule our end of the season party because their older children have games later that afternoon. 
Um. There are 19 families- I'm supposed to reconfigure the entire thing for THREE families?
My problem?
I'm a stupid people pleaser. I freaking hate upsetting anyone.  My flaw. My big stinking flaw that gives me upset stomachs and keeps me up at night worrying- pleasing people. 
Well, I will be upsetting some and I am going to say, tough cookies. 

Remind of all this bullshit when they ask me to volunteer next year ..... Remind me, please.