Tuesday, April 20, 2010

An extra 2 feet for luck?

I bought Big J some new gym shoes last week. He seems to go through gym shoes monthly ... they must drag their toes on the cement when they have outside time at school.
Anyway ... I brought the shoes home and he wanted to play ASAP in them (he thought they were going to make him run super fast).
I put on the shoes, double knotted them (I could have quadruple knotted them) and sent him on his way.
Next thing I know, he is yelling for help and sitting on his bike in the middle of the sidewalk.
When I walked over to him, I noticed that his shoelace had wrapped itself around his bike pedal.
The next day I went to Target and bought new, appropriate length, shoelaces.
Now, I wouldn't think anything if this was the first time; but, I have had this issue in the past.
I buy these children's shoes, for little feet and we get these shoelaces that could tie up combat boots!!!
Do they really think we need shoelaces that long? What do they propose we do with all that excess???
Am I alone out there????

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Speaking of pet peeves ...

My earlier post got me to thinking about the rest of my pet peeves (and the girl who was shuffling her feet the whole length of the train this morning helped too!).

I know I have posted this before, but it is time to revisit!

Seriously people, pick up your effing feet. if your shoes are too big, buy a smaller size. If you cannot walk in flip flops (and I love, love, love flip flops), don't wear them!!!! Walking involves lifting your feet, heel then toe .... not keeping your feet flat and shuffling forward!

I cannot stand having friends or family that talk a big game. You know the type, "oh, we should get together! We live so close... blah, blah, blah." Look, if you are serious, let's talk. If you are just saying it to be "nice," don't say it! I actually try and make plans with people. I hate those that consistently cancel, decline or ignore me!!

Stay at home moms who love to rub it in your face that you actually have to leave the house to work. The moms that ask if you want to make plans for lunch, when they know you are working. Moms that make comments about "working mothers," as if we have the plague. I am working to hopefully get ahead in our bills and savings plans, so that someday I can be home for my kiddos. This is my life. I don't judge you; do not judge me.

When driving along the highway, please do a few things. 1. Make sure you have a car that has working brake lights. When you have to stop and I cannot see that you are stopping ... well, it gets a bit tricky. 2. The left lane is for FAST drivers. The right lane is for SLOW drivers. Do NOT get them confused. 3. If you are going to tailgate me, I will slam on my brakes. get off my ass. If I am driving at speed limit there is probably a good reason for that, you should do the same!

When I am running errands, I usually have my two boys in tow. After a busy grocery shopping trip I have to unload groceries, buckle to kids in car seats, usually console one of the kids because they couldn't get a toy/treat, and, most of the time, open up a snack that I promised them inside the store as a bribe to keep them quiet. Why, in God's great world, do people find it necessary to sit in their car, blinker on, and wait for us to back out? Why, do they do this when there are more than enough spaces just a few feet over? Will I go to Purgatory for too long because I purposely take a longer time to get the car going for these people?

I was at Potbelly for lunch on Sunday with the boys. They went to sit at the high-top table while I ordered the sandwiches. We have a high-top for our kitchen table, so they, for the most part, know how to handle themselves in the higher chairs. As I turned to check on them, the lady that was sitting near them took it upon herself to pick Little j up and hold him. When I bolted over there, she said, "they should not be sitting here, he could fall." I about flipped my lid. Do NOT, under any circumstances, ever touch my children unless they were in dire trouble. I will kick ass ... seriously, I will.

Of course, I have a myriad of pet peeves I could talk about, but then, I would sound awful. So ... I will leave it at that for now.

What are your pet peeves?

Pet Peeve

OK folks, when you join a pool for anything: Superbowl, a baby's birth date, March Madness, etc, and it costs cash to join, please, please, please .... do not make the person running the pool hunt you down.

Your lack of ownership just makes you look like an ass. Period.

Now, back to chasing down my $10 ...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Will I get caught?

So ... It is the Cubs' home opener ... and a beautiful day ....

I called it quits early and got home just in time to see the first pitch (and 5 run 3rd inning).

Hope I don't get caught!

Go Cubs!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Time to finish what I started

So, last year at this time I started a massive weight loss attempt. I lost 25 pounds. I haven't gained anything back, thank God, but I also hadn't lost anything either.
So, about 3 weeks ago, I started really kicking things into high gear. I hit a bit of a snag when I got sick ... basically two weeks went by without ever hitting the gym.
I started back at Spin yesterday and felt awesome.
So, here we are, a few weeks later and I have lost 5 pounds!
Only 20 more to go!!!!!!!!!