Monday, April 13, 2009

And it went by in a flash

Phew. I am tired! Holy week and Easter have always been a busy time in my family ... but now with work, 2 kids, a husband and a home "under repair" I feel like the past 4days have been a blur!

Big J came with me to Good Friday service. He was actually a very good little boy. He slept through the Passion. And was exceptionally quiet throughout the service. He LOVED going up to venerate the cross, and even made me take him up at the end so he could do it again.

I spent that evening baking the lamb cake and pound cake (all the while hanging out with a friend) ... pics to come soon.

Saturday morning Big J was overjoyed that we were going to food blessing. I love that tradition. We prepared our baskets and he was so proud that he got to carry his own. He piled it high with eggs and candy and bunnies. As soon as the food was blessed, he turned to me and said, "now I can eat it all, right?" LOL!

I cooked more food on Saturday and became increasing aware that I was going to have way to much ... but you cannot buck tradition!!! ;)

As I was getting ready for Easter mass, Big J came into the bathroom. He looked at me and smiled. He said "Mommy, you are beautiful. Princesses are beautiful. You are a princess." *tears - lots of tears* We went to Mass on Sunday morning. It was nice... E came too. His family got to our house around 2:00. I truly don't think I ever sat down yesterday. Seriously.

Here was our menu:
Asparagus Roll-ups
Smoked Salmon spread
Tangerine glazed ham
grilled Polish sausage
wedding noodles (egg noodles with cream of chicken soup)
Spring pea salad
Spring marshmallow Jello salad
Ginger Lemon Steamed veggies
Pineapple Upside Down Cake martinis
Lamb Cake
Pound Cake

I think I fed an army!!!! ;)

I had to be in the office all day today ... and I will tomorrow too. :( Such a rough start to the week!

By the way, I had my follow up doctor appointment on Thursday afternoon. She prescribed Phentermine to me for 30 days. Its a stimulant and she is hoping this might jump start my metabolism and get the pounds off. After that, I am to go it alone for 5 months. At that point, if I am having issues still, she wants me back.

Wish me luck!

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