Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Who cares?!?!

I may be a little late in this line of thinking. But I have NEVER understood the whole Presidential Pet thing.

Who gives 2 craps if they have a cat named Socks or a freaking poodle named Cocoa?

Does anyone give a shit if my boys have a pet? Nope. So why should I give a crap about kids sitting up inside the White House with a mother that thinks she is a gift to all womanhood??????

Seriously. We are in a recession. This President claims that he "understands." Yet, we are focusing on a freaking poodle, rather than people getting laid off, Somalian terrorits (yea, Pirate is a complete joke), Iranian "peace" talks ... and the list goes on.

I do not care about the freaking White House puppy I hope he poops on the Oval Office rug.

3 remarks:

Anonymous said...

OMG I was JUST about to post this on FB. I logged into MSN and saw it was the big story of the day. I said to myself "who the F cares?????" LOL.

Patrice said...

I agree. I thinks it's great that the girls get a pet, but it shouldn't be news.

Mandy said...

agree:) and where is the "rescue dog" he talked about in the election?? oh yes, the allergy .. wtfever