Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Random thoughts and a bunch of etc, etc, etc.

Why is it that the small things drive E nuts ... but when it comes to relaxing with small things, he doesn't get it????

Why do my children insist on whining incessantly ... I mean ... ALL the effing time? Why?

Why are guys assholes? Why is it that they think they are centers of the universe. Don't think your assholishness won't come back to bight you in your ass!!!!!!!

It is cold here still. Shit. It really is. I am sick of it. Sick.Of.It. Al Gore - you are an idiot.

Easter is coming. Easter is a CHRISTIAN holiday. Yes, I know we forget that ... because in the "PC" world it is about bunnies, candy and egg rolling. But, why the eff id Obama the Antichrist insisting on turning the White House Egg Rolling Contest into an effing Gay Pride event. I hate him. I do.

Why can't I have the life I used to have with this job? Gone 3 days out of the week. Work from home 2 days a week. Boss was supportive. People were considerate. Now I am go- go - go 5 days a week ... the pay doesn't equal the job and the boss is ignorant. Yippee.

I go to the doctor tomorrow. We are going down the next avenue for this weight struggle. 3 months since the last visit and 0 .... ZERO ... pounds list. Ugh.

How long are they going to keep sending the synpathy/ pc votes coming in for Scott on AI ... OK - so he is blind. That is no biggie ... but it gave me the creeps yesterday when he was singing and he just looked crazed. Seriously.

E is on the home fix it warpath .... while I am happy about this; my house is in utter chaos. Things everywhere. Tools on my dining room table. Chair rails off the walls and on the floors. Furniture piled in my bedroom. A front door I cannot use. AGH!!!!!

I am hungry. I am at work. I forgot to bring stuff. Oops.

3 remarks:

Mandy said...

**stands up and claps**

I love love love rants!!

Good luck at the Dr appt and with the chaotic house.

Anonymous said...

assholishness - what a great word LOL. Love it.

Do you think E is trying to "nest" to make himself feel better? Just a thought.

Misery loves company, rant away!

Mommy said...

Thanks guys!