Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Are we "back to normal" yet?

So, I haven't really "blogged" on a while ... life, as I know it, as been in complete chaos.

E returned on March 18. My parents got here on March 19. Little j's party was on March 21. The squabbling between my husband and my Mom ensued on March 22. My parents left on March 23. I went back to work on March 24 and I haven't blinked since.

The boys are nuts since E came home. Sleeping schedules are off. Manners are gone. Quiet nights and routines? Out the window.

And E? Shoot ... he still lives in his own world, with a bit of us thrown in. Its like living with a 3rd child, seriously, it is!

Everything that we put off for the 14 months that he was gone, suddenly has to be done. NOW. Handy men, HVAC men, furniture stores. I haven't been able to catch a breath, but our calendar is booked and the checkbook is getting thin.

I thought I would be calmer once he returned. I thought I might be able to "get stuff done" when he returned. Life is still the same for me ... with more added on the plate.


2 remarks:

Mandy said...

hope things calm down soon ... seriously that is a big change and everyone needs to adjust here's to a smooth adjusting period ... and when you figure what "normal" is PLEASE let me know;)

Gina said...

ahhh...and that is why my hubby is currently employed (not deployed-thankfully) in sunny California and has been there since Nov. He was home for 4 months and I dreaded him leaving again-especially for a civilian job-but when he's home our lives are so chaotic I sometimes wonder if we will make it once he is home again for good.

JEEEZZZ-it can be so hard without them and sometimes even harder with them!!