Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Prove it.

OK Obama - prove it. As my boss yelled, as he gaily skipped down the all "I brought in Obama cookies, eat them. He is finally president, thank GOD." .... (dude, first of all gay-boy, I don't think you would know God if he smacked you across the face, second, I don't give a shit. Why is it OK for you to throw your anti-Bush shit at me, yet, if I were to say one effing word about ANYTHING I believe in, I would be trashed?????????)
So, yes, he is President. I will respect him for the Office that he holds. But, why, do I have to respect a man that doesn't show that he will uphold ANY of the beliefs that I hold dear to my heart. Why am I a bad person for actually thinking that Bush did a good job?
Can we stop the Bush-hating now? Was he perfect? No - not in any way. But, he kept me safe after 9/11 (which was NOT his fault ... thank you Bill Clinton for being too busy with your golf game to give the orders to capture Bin Laden). He lowered my taxes, so I was able to buy a home and gain a few steps in my $$ world. He helped in passing the ban on partial birth abortion, single handily - his most important accomplishment while in office. He helped make changes in pension reform - allowing us to defer more out of our checks, hopefully allowing most of us to STOP working some day. He helped create the Amber alert, and many other child protection acts.
Because MTV, Facebook and CNN proclaim Obama as Messiah should I have felt the Earth stop spinning when he was sworn in? Should I have expected the DOW to NOT have dropped 330 points today, because, "change is here?" Am I the only one that sees people worshiping this man as if he were Jesus Christ himself? Isn't that a major sin? Thou shalt not worship false gods?!??!?!?!?

Where do I start?
Where do I finish?

Prove it to me Mr. President. Prove to me that you are really "for the people" and not what I think you are going to be. Prove me wrong.

I don't think he can. I don't think he will.

God help us.

1 remarks:

Mandy said...

OMG - I am still laughing at "gay-boy"

... I just dont think these people are going to get the Hollywood ending they are hoping for ... b/c taxing us more is not the answer ... bigger govt is not the answer .. giving into socialism is not the answer

I just watched Bush give a speech in Midland, TX ..... what I love is that he honestly doesnt give a d*mn about what people think of him ... and Laura looks so gracious .. I swear Michelle looks like the cat who just at the mouse ... anyway, God PLEASE Bless America:)