Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Whose skin did I wake up in?

OK - so, Number 1, yesterday sucked.

The overblown media hype about our new President was WAY over the top. But that, in itself, is not what made me so irritated today. The disrespect that we, Americans, showed for President Bush was disgusting.

archaic : to behave with pride or arrogance : vaunt
: to treat with insolence, indignity, or contempt : affront ; also : to affect offensively or damagingly

What people did to President Bush was nothing short of insulting.

I hope people stop and think about these actions when they hear statements about Bush "shaming" America. Bush didn't shame America, we, the people of America, shamed America. I am embarrassed of my country right now.

Now, for Number 2 ... I totally got lambasted today at work. I walked into a firehouse I have been walking into for the past 9 years. While I understand everyones fear and anger about the economy, please, do NOT try and tell me that everything I know about my job is wrong. I don't tell you, Mr Firefighter, how to fight a fire. Therefore, don't tell me you know more than I do about MY job! It is NOT my fault your mutual fund went down 40%, as did mine!

Educate yourself people. Learn ... but don't blame me when you listen to your own "advice" and in 5 years you wonder what the hell has happened.

And now, Number 3 .... I had a "OMG" moment. I realized yesterday that I am 1 week late. Yes, late ... as in, "where the eff is my freaking period" late.

This could not be happening. I haven't seen Eric since Christmas, it wasn't that "don't touch me" time while he was there ..... but, anything can happen. So ... after getting chewed out at my final firehouse, I drive like a maniac to CVS to buy a test (and why IS it, that even though I am married with 2 children, I STILL feel embarrassed to buy a test?).

Scary ... I thought, how the hell can this be happening. My body is NOT ready. My emotions are NOT ready. My poor family is NOT ready. So ... I peed on the stick. I cried. I paced. I waited 2 minutes .... and .....


Thank you Jesus.

Now ... I wait for my lovely period ... with PMS that is starting to seep out of my pores. Yippee do dah day.

1 remarks:

Mandy said...

I was freaking out about my period too .... mostly b/c EVERYONE is pregnant right now (NOT an exaggeration) .. and if they arent then are going to start trying OR had a baby in 2007 ... I had never been happier to get it the other day (well, in full disclosure THAT probably isnt true .. but CLOSE)

I got my 401k statement yesterday and do not want to open it ... I chose to blame people who bought house they couldnt afford, whether I should or not ...:)

here's to a better thursday:)