Sunday, January 25, 2009

Loyal no More (was I ever?)

I have to go to my National Meeting in two weeks. This year it is in Jacksonville. I will be heading to Tampa the weekend before, visiting with my family and then leaving the boys with my Mom and Dad while I am away.
The closer I get to the meeting, the more irritated I get with the situation ... actually, the more angry I get about it.
We found out about E leaving last year on January 8. I was supposed to go to our National Meeting in New Orleans from Jan 14 - 18. E was LEAVING on January 20. Long story short, I had to get out of this meeting. It took an act of GOD for my boss to finally say I didn't have to attend. (When I had originally asked him, his response was, "Well, the Pres of Sales really needs you there, it is very important." Whatever asshole).
So, onto this year. I find out that if you want to go casual all week at the meeting, you bring a check to donate to the charity of their choice. They picked the USO, specifically families of deployed Navy soldiers.
Can we say hypocrites????? Since last January I haven't gotten a phone call, email, note, telegram ... NOTHING ... from ANYONE in management about my situation. I have had a baby, holidays have come and gone, and no one has thought about "the family left behind."
My boss, the dick head, hasn't asked about E in months. HE has NO clue that he is back in the States ... because I refuse to bring it up. Until they ask, I will let them assume what ever they want.
Think I have loyalty to this company? This management team? These co-workers? Yeah ... um ... the big fat answer would be HELL NO. I am so mad, I could spit. I hate my job. I hate my boss. I hate Nationwide. I think they all are a bunch of assholes. They prove, every day, that the PERSON doesn't matter, it is what you can do for them that matters.

I am so done. I do not care any more. Fire me - I will collect unemployment and save money by not sending my boys to day care FIVE days a week (when I am technically "working from home" according to my pay grade). But, I will not quit (unless, obviously I find something else .. I would rather torture the shit out of em all).

By the way ... I have been doing REALLY well on my New Years Resolution of cleaning up my potty mouth .... except for when the topics of Obama or my boss come up!

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