Tuesday, August 26, 2008

More work BS

So .... ever since I decided that I needed to get out of my current position, I find that I have NO desire to even THINK of my job. The sad and scary thing? Not a BITE from my resume ... not even a nibble.

Here is the latest from the "most brilliant manager in the world" :

About a month ago, "the boss" came to me with this brilliant schedule he drew up on his nice pretty spreadsheet (and I mean PRETTY - colors and everything were included). He had decided that September we would have "financial fair" days. We would set up at most of our locations and drum up business through fliyers, bulletins, etc. Fine - except .....
He wanted me at my police stations from 6am till 10 am ... and 2pm till 6pm (to cover all shifts). I cannot do this. Day care doesn't even OPEN until 6:30 and it closes at 6. "The boss" said that he knew it would be hard for me, and that someone could cover for me, but "it wouldn't look very good for my performance review." (Yes - please notice those QUOTES!).
So ... I scrambled to call family and friends, and finally worked out dates for people to help me out and babysit, so that "the boss" would give me a glorious review. Every day in Spetember was booked solid with police visits ... and when I wasn't scheduled to be at a police station, he wanted me sitting at a firehouse from 10-4 (in the hope that local fire houses would come see me).
OK ....

Fast forward to last Thursday:
I sent "the boss" an email asking him about these fair days, because no one I was talking with seemed to know anything about them. He ignored me email. Late Thursday we were told that we had a mandatory conference call with "the boss."
So ... this is how "the boss" starts:
"I have not had time to let the City know about all of our dates for these fair days. SO I would like to reschedule everything for October."


So, since I am the ONLY one on our group that ever seems to have issues, and am the ONLY one that ever speaks up. I tell him that I cannot do that. That I have babysitters coming in from out of town to help and there is NO way I can reschedule.

So, "the boss" says, well, we will just get someone to cover for you.

My turn to throw HIM under the boss. I say:
"No. I don't think so. You told me that if I had someone cover for me, it would look bad on my review. And, I do not one anyone else in my territory, getting my business."

Some people finally speak up and say that we should just keep our originaly schedule, sans the firehouses .....

Whatever is all I have to say.

I .... really .... HATE .... my .... job ... and ... "the boss" .....

1 remarks:

Anonymous said...

WOW.....just wow.... that is incredible. Why the hell didn't he get the word out for September if he was so hell bent on those dates in the first place? Why do I ask questions.... sigh... it's definitely time to blow that popsicle stand.