Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Cheking in and things

Wow - I didn't realize that it had been so long since I last posted anything! My life just keeps going faster and faster, but I really cannot tell how mnay MPH I truly go until I see the days on the calendar that have gone by!
My sister was in town two weekends ago ... we had a blast. Spent a lot of time at the pool, ate some good meals, went to a Cubs game, the Poison concert ... it flew by (what's new?)! I will post some pics soon!
I am preparing for Big J's big 3rd birthday celebration in two weeks ... I CANNOT believe I have a 3 year old. I still look at hime and see my baby boy who would cry when I put him in the car seat or would giggle when i played peek-a-boo. Now we are dealing with tantrums and the "ICanDoIts" .... :)
Little j is so close to sleeping through the night, I can feel it! Now if I could just remind him that he KNOWS how to roll over I could avoid running in there when he gets pissed that e is stuck on his stomach!!!!
E is STILL gone. Who knows what the hell is happening with that. I am to the point that I will wait until I see airline info for a flight home until I get excited. I hear rumors of late fall, early winter, early Spring .... I just sit back and keep plugging away.
Work explodes at the end of this month. Boss man STILL has no sympathy or concern for ANYTHING about me. My territory is set up for my failure (I sometimes think this is actually is doing) and I am tired of the snide comments about performance reviews, etc. I am SO OVER it.
I am almost done perfecting my resume and my next step is finding jobs and sending the sucker out .... I am STILL debating about playing the lotto every day ... maybe then I could TRULY do what I want to do ... NOTHIN!!!!!!

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