Wednesday, August 13, 2008


OK .... so follow me on this one it may get a little crazy .... I guess I just need to see if I am the only one who ever feels this way or if I am just goofy.

So, ever since I got into Facebook .... as stated in my earlier post, I have become addicted. For YEARS, I wondered what happened to so many of those people from my life and now I finally had the ability to find out! Well, some of the people that were huge parts of my life way back when are the ones that are no where to be found!!!!

Yesterday, I was on Google (sitting on the train on the way home from work - wasting time - Lord knows I don't have time to do this stuff when I am at home!) and I was entering some of those names. One old girlfriend from high school was there ... I clicked and saw her wedding pictures. Now ... here is the story:

Since I went to a private school, I had a few "groups" of friends. A group of friends from the local public school, my private school friends, work friends, etc, etc, etc.

I was friends with Sally (fake name - to protect all those involved) my Sophomore year of high school. We did EVERYTHING together, slumber parties, shopping, talking about boys. We were best friends.

My friends Jane and Ann were two other very close friends from the local high school ... we spent many nights looking for boys, hanging out and having fun.
I met my boyfriend my Junior year - he was that "first love" everyone always refers to. First EVERYTHING .... he was also part of my "public school" group of friends.

Slowly but surely, a lot of my "groups" ran together. Jane and Ann and Sally and I became a group of 4 that had great times together. My boyfriend was also always part of that mix. Sally even dated his friend ... we all went to Prom together.

My Senior year was a rough one. One week before my school Homecoming, my boyfriend broke up with me while he was away at college (he never gave me much of an explanation, he just kept telling me that I was going overboard), Jane and Ann and I drifted apart. Slowly Sally began to hang out with Jane and Ann without me and became distant and cold.

I developed other relationships and still enjoyed my Senior year. We found out we were moving to Florida in March so my second half of the year was spent having fun and making the most of my time. Ann and I talked and re-established our friendship, along with Jane ... but Sally and I still remained distant.

One day, about a month before I was moving, my ex called and we had a LONG heart to heart. I finally asked him why he had broken up with me. Why he claimed I had gone overboard.

Turns out, Sally had called him at school and told him that I spent my days telling everyone that he was coming home at Homecoming to propose, that he was going to transfer schools to be with me wherever I went, that I was being rude to my friends and turning into , basically, a bitch. Obviously, this was SO FAR from the truth. She had even been telling Ann and Jane lies about me, hence the distance that had come into our friendship as well.

Sally was confronted at lunch hour - it was quite embarrassing for her .... school became a horrible place for her ... the only friends she had left were Ann and Jane.

If I remember correctly, Sally and I tried to mend our friendship before I moved. It worked for a bit, but I could never quite forget her deceptiveness (she claimed she was trying to save me from getting me heart broken down the line) and her coldness never seemed to disappear.

Once I moved away, I lost touch with most people from high school ... while they all got to reconnect every Christmas and Summer break, I spent mine with new friends in Florida. I was always kind of broken hearted seeing my friends continue to bond while I was phased out of the picture ... especially since Sally had treated me so badly.

When I moved back to the Chicago area I got in touch with Ann .... we met for a night out one night and I found that all three of the girls had become "roomies" after college. That evening Ann and Jane and I reconnected, Sally spent most of the night giving me evil looks and making her life seem oh-so-great, and putting mine down.

Fast forward many years. I never got back in touch with any of those girls. I have often wondered where they ended up or what they were doing. (Same thing with the ex - but that is a different story)

So ... as I said, yesterday, I googled their names. I found Sally's wedding pictures. Good - glad she is happy. I guess the part that bothers me is this: Ann and Jane were both part of her wedding. Part of me felt a little sad .... I cannot explain why. Does that even make sense???? Not sad like - OMG I am going home to cry, but sad like, geesh, why can't I have friends that have been in my life for 20 years and would have been part of my special day. Those were my friends - and because of someone's cruelty, they didn't remain close.

I have GREAT friends these days .. wouldn't trade them in at all. I guess I just wish I could be one of those people that could say she has friends that have withstood the test of time ....

Am I nuts? Does ANY of this makes sense ... or did I just ramble on and on for the hell of it????? Oh well .... I have two great kids, wonderful friends and a life .... the past is teh past ... and believe me, I am not dwelling on this one! :)

2 remarks:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you said this because I often have felt the exact same way. Obviously, I'm not friends anymore with the people I went to HS with for a good reason. However, it doesn't change the fact that I feel a bit of envy when I hear others saying they have friends who they grew up with. Especially around wedding time... I really found out who my friends were (and not) and it made me even more sad. I guess it would be nice to be able to say 'I've had such and such friend since high school because I was such a tool back then and they stuck with me as I grew up and changed through the years.'

Mommy said...

Well I am darned glad that it made some kind of sense! I thought I was flying solo on this one!