Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday... Monday....

So ... the weekend flew by like a bat out of hell. Why is that anyway??? We spend Five stinkin days working, busting our butts, with most of those days seeming to take FOREVER to get by ... yet, we have only two days to recoup and recover and they ALWAYS ALWAYS fly by??????

Anyway ... Friday night I took the boys to Max and Erma's for an early dinner. Big J enjoyed his ice cream sundae with blue, yes blue, whipped cream (he had a LOVELY ring around his mouth for hours!). After I put the boys to bed I did the Jillian DVD "30 Day Shred." Holy CRAP it KICKED MY ASS! It was only 20 minutes but it felt like I had been working out for at least an hour ... I think I will be using this workout a Lot!

Saturday morning we putzed around the house, made LOVELY by the fact that little j slept through the night, until it was time to meet a friend for lunch. Right before we ate little j promptly puked all over himself. I thought maybe it was because I had given him the bottle that I left out for his nighttime feeding (I know - bad Mom).

That afternoon we went to a lake and let the kids swim and dig in the sand. Big J was in hog heaven. Right before we were leaving, little j's diaper held an EXPLOSION .... that is what started the poopfest.

Have you ever been invited? If not ... feel free to come by ... lots of great smells and entertainment from the faces Mommy makes as she tries to clean up the pajamas, butt cheeks, mattress, and anything else that came into contact with the festival!!!!

The rest of the weekend (outside of the pooping) was relaxing ... we spent time at the park, had dinner at a friend's house and watched the Cubs.

Little j is 4 months old today (my how time flies) and my parents get into town on Thursday (maybe the will help this week FLY by!!!)

2 remarks:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! How long are you parents staying? That will be wonderful :)

Eek! Sorry about Joseph!! Is he feeling better now!?

Mommy said...

I know! I am excited!
He still has "teh runs" the doctor postponed his shots today until he feels better.....