Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday Thirteen

13 of my Favorite Snacks:

1. Oreos and Milk - What I wouldn't do to have a bag of those right now!

2. Chips and Salsa

3. Fritos - These are EVIL. I haven't had any in YEARS since they are like 1000's of calories!!!

4. Cool Ranch Doritoes - Simply the best!

5. Hint of Lime Tostidos - These are my new found favorite chips!

6. Microwave popcorn - Especially while I am watching a good movie!

7. Ice Cream - and not low fat either - just give me a tub of the good stuff - maybe Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia or Edy's Girl Scout Samoa's and leave me alone!

8. Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich's - these are so yummy and taste like they are worse for you than they really are!

9. Sour Cream and Onion Pringles - I could literally eat the entire container at once.

10. Sour Cream and Cheddar Ruffles - another evil creation.

11. Smoked Almonds - Can anyone REALLY have ONE SINGLE serving????

12. Smoked Cheddar Cheese and crackers - WOW! How yummy! Another thing I cannot have just ONE serving of!

13. Smoked Fish spread - I cannot get this around here, so I love when I visit my parents and they have a tub of this - it is heavenly!

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