Monday, December 21, 2009

That is NOT the potty ...

I was going to bed on Friday night, just finished brushing my teeth, when I heard the moan of Big J coming from his room. He had gone to bed quite late and pretty much passed out when his head hit the pillow. I thought maybe he had to pee so I ran down the hall.
In the silhouette of the nightlight, I saw him standing in the middle of the room, naked from the waist down, holding his little "package" and wailing. I flipped on the light, thinking he wet the bed.
Nope, no such luck. Instead, in his stooper, he must have had to pee, thought he ran to the bathroom, and proceeded to pee all over the front of his dresser.
There was pee everywhere .... spalshed on the wall, on his Crayola glow board, pictures of Mommy and Big J, and a long trail on the carpet. Lovely.
I asked him what he did ... no response. He was still sound asleep.
I cleaned him up, cleaned the pee off of the picture frames, dresser drawers, books and toys and put Big J back into bed, where he didn't even flinch.
Seriously ... girls don't do this shit. What is up with that?!?!??!?!

2 remarks:

Anonymous said...

OMG!! I'm so sorry to hear that. =/

I used to sleepwalk when I was younger. I'd walk downstairs and my parents would ask me what I'm doing. I'd reply "oh I'm laying down" or something strange like that. One time, I took off my pajamas in my parents room and went back to bed. Woke up just as confused as all heck. I had MANY many episodes like that. So odd. I wonder if I still do it to this day but just don't know it??

Gina said...

Oh no! My son did the same thing...only he went out the garage door thinking it was the bathroom (???) and set off the alarm. Woke the whole house up! He was 10!