Thursday, December 17, 2009

It's beginning to feel like Christmas

As I sit here drinking a glass of port, listening to Johnny Mathis sing "Silver Bells," and wrap the umpteenth present of the evening ... I thought, "it is actually starting to feel like Christmas."

Was it the port? No, I am sure it helped ... a lot, but it wasn't that. Was it the wrapping and bows and ribbons? Nope. Definitely "Christmasy," but it wasn't the topper. It was Johnny's way of singing about the bells ringing and children playing and blah, blah, blah, that suddenly made it all about Christmas.

There are something that I cannot do without at Christmas .. some new, and some old.

It is not Christmas until I hear the Salsoul Orchestra Christmas album (OK, did I totally just age myself by saying "album?"), never heard of it? OMG! Total classic, and it makes me think of my Mom cleaning the house every time I listen to it (as does Neil Diamond, but I digress). Other "musts" in the music department include, Johnny Mathis, Harry Simeone Chorale, Manheim Steamroller, and Trans-Siberian Orchestra (this is our family mainstay, the boys love it and I am taking Big J to their concert on the 26th).

It isn't Christmas until I watch Charlie Brown (now, I must watch it on DVD, as TV destroys it every year by adding more and more commercials and cutting parts of the beloved show), White Christmas (sing it with me now, "snow, snow, snow!), A Christmas Carol with Alastir Sim (my fave), It's a Wonderful Life (another I have to have on DVD ... no commercials; and it makes me cry every time, still), A Pocketful of Miracles (another must see if you haven't, Glen Ford and Bette Davis, a small spin on My Fair Lady. It was one of my Dad's favorites and now I am addicted), Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (thank God I have children now!) and A Holiday Affair.

It isn't Christmas until I eat a cut-out sugar cookie slathered with homemade frosting and dingo dots (that is what we call 'em and I am sticking to it!), my Mom's cherry cheesecake, spice drops - red and green, egg nog (not the real stuff, but the lite version you buy in the refrigerated section at the store), and my latest favorite, from Starbucks, a venti non-fat peppermint white chocolate mocha (OMG - so effing good!).

It isn't Christmas until I sit on my couch with quiet Christmas music playing, the lights are out and all I see are the lights from the Christmas tree. I am 35 years old and the magic never wears away from that.

Now that I am Mommy, it isn't Christmas until I have wrapped the last present and remembered the "last little something" to throw in their stockings.

And truly, it isn't Christmas until I go to Mass ... it doesn't have to be Midnight or daybreak, just Mass on Christmas ... it is one of the most beautiful things a person can experience. Really ... try it.

What makes your Christmas? Anything I missed?

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