Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Lather, rinse, repeat ....

I am working. What else do I do? I am working and I hate it.

I know. I sound like a broken record. Most people would probably say to get off my ass and DO something if I hate my job so much.

I DO do something. I look for new positions every day. I am wracking my brain as to what I could do on my own I am not about to jump from a job where I at least have some leverage as to things (loads of vacation days, 401k, etc)to something that is just as miserable but with even less benefits!

I wish I had guts. You know, guts to say, I quit and I am branching out and doing something on my own. I enjoy a lot of things, and do a lot of things well, but are any of them able to sustain a recession and bring in a salary?

Where are those work from home jobs that I know SO many people have? Why am I the one that can never find that "perfect" job?

Blah, blah, blah. The way I feel about this job is like this: when you get in the shower you have a routine, it is a mind-numbing routine: turn on water, wash hair, condition hair, soap up, shave, rinse, get out. Every day with this job I get in the car, drive to a stupid entity, get bithed at by clients, drive home, hear from boss about why I suck, and then I call it a day. Fun, huh?

I have researched different options for a DIY job. I am currently searching for ANY company that would allow telecommuting ... I could take a pay cut - I would save tremendous money without this job .... I only get reimbursed for any miles I drive OVER 50 (I average 75 per day), any money I spend for a client is out of my owon pocket. My cell phone is only reimbursed UP to $50 (they like the number 50, huh?) .... the kids wouldn't have to go to day care as often, my wardrobe would be cut down, no more train passes and parking fees .....

Maybe a miracle will happen soon .... maybe by some freak chance I will run into some person and start up a conversation and find out "WOW" that is IT!!!!!!!

Until then, my routine remains the same ... so the bitching will continue!

1 remarks:

Anonymous said...

I am not sure if we have anything here that would peak your interest, but EVERYONE works from home at HP. Everyone. They're trying to close every office that they can and they force people to work out of their home offices. Maybe a sales job selling our equipment? :)