Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Helen? Really? C'mon people!!!!!

If you cannot follow me ... I LOVE the Biggest Loser. I have watched this show since the first season. I pretty much think it is one of the best reality shows on TV. Why? Because, no matter what you think, it promotes people getting off the couch and realizing that they can lose weight.

All season I watched as Tara wiped the floor clean, each and every time. I watched as Mike and his Dad defeated odds and grew closer, all the while, shrinking. I watched as Tara had the attitude of a winner, no matter what outcome played out.

I remember the episode where the teams had to choose someone to go home. It was between Helen and her daughter. I remember Ron saying that, as a parent, he would want his child to stay because he would want the very best for them. As a Mom (and thinking about what MY Mom would do) I could not have agreed more. Well, Selfish Helen chose to send her daughter home. From that point on, I despised Helen.

So, last night they paraded all of the contestants out, even the ones who went home. I couldn't help it, but I started to cry. Jerry and his wife, Grandma and Grandpa in their own worlds, looked amazing. Everyone was beaming from ear to ear. Ron looked so healthy and I can only hope he can pass his knowledge on to his other son, Max.

The finale came down to Tara, Michael and Helen. When the host asked Helen, before any one's weight was taken, if she thought she could beat the 2 younger contestants, Helen actually looked both of them up and down, and said "Yes, I think I can beat them." I wanted to reach through the TV, pick her up by her sunken face and bleach blond hair, and punch the living CRAP out of her. You bitch! Isn't that what fat people deal with day in and day out? Looks from the skinnier crowd? Judgements? Ever hear of being a gracious winner/loser?????

So ... kudos to Mike for looking more happy about being healthy than about winning money. Kudos to Tara for being an awesome inspiration. Jeers to Helen who looked like she starved herself to get to a weight that could win her some $$$$ ... I would like to place some bets to see how long she will actually stay at 117 lbs!!!!!!

On the other reality show that I waste precious moments on ... American Idol. Well, I think I go against the grain on this one. I detest Adam with every bone in my body. I think he is an over-the-top, weird, obnoxious, ANNOYING singer. He belongs on Broadway or doing voice overs for cartoons .... not on my radio!!!!!! Tell him to take the ugly black eye liner off and to quit destroying songs that I love ... and, oh yea, could the judges, especially Simon, crawl any further up his butt???? Seriously. I am rooting for Chris .... it won't happen, but I am.


On a completely different note .... what the hell is going on with my freaking car??? The lease ends in less than 2 months. 3 weeks ago I get a flat, in the middle of the freaking expressway. It was a nutroll. New tire needed.

Yesterday, after working in the god-forsaken office, I get off the train and notice something funny looking about my front tire. Upon inspection, it was a bubble. SHIT!!!!!!!!

So, E took the tire off when I got home and put on the spare. He is apparently going to the mechanic to get another tire change. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am ready for a brand new vehicle that has no issues and is road ready!!!!

1 remarks:

Anonymous said...

I've never watched this show, but the ladies at work are saying the same thing. There are at least 4 others here who agree with you!

About the car, I'm just baffled. I've had many a problem with tires, but that is not one I've heard of!! I hope it's a cheap fix. =/