Friday, September 12, 2008

Sick and Tired ....

So maybe I need a Friday FIFTEEN for today .... I am fed up and irritated ... PMS is raging, I am going on a total of 6 hours sleep in three days, I hate my job, I must VENT now!
OK - so ....

I am sick and tired of: my son not sleeping. He is 6 months old. By now he should be sleeping "like a baby," peacefully through the night. This stupid game he plays that he suddenly forgets how to roll himself over is NOT cute anymore. I literally had to walk away from him last night ... I was getting so angry. SO EFFING ANNOYING!

I am sick and tired of: my job. If I have to go hang out at one more effing police station at 6:00 freaking AM, I am going to go nuts. No one is doing ANYTHING with their accounts - other than bitching, it is a waste of time and I am tired. Whatever. Could I NOT find something good?

I am sick and tired: of people stuffing Obama down my throat. No. I do not want to vote for him. No. I do not trust him. Yes. I am younger, my husband has been deployed ... these do NOT make me sway my beliefs like most people. Just because most people my age have thrown their upbringings out the window long ago, I have continued mine. I go to Mass every Sunday. I am Pro-Life. I do not agree with the welfare system as we have it. I feel that people should WORK for what they get, not be handed it. I believe in morals. I believe that we need to fight terrorism. I think Obama is shady and, quite frankly, a wolf in sheep's clothing. Quit trying to make me feel bad for not wanting him in office. And, oh yea, I kind of like Palin ... a mother with 5 kids, a working woman, a church going woman .. and pretty to boot. And she is BAD for women??? Whatever people ... quit being hypocrites.

I am sick and tired of: hearing about going green. Eff that. Green? WTF???? Pardon my French (2 hours of sleep does not keep my mouth clean). If someone would like to give me a raise so that I could afford hybrid cars, recycled paper towels and new light bulbs, I could help you. Until then, leave me alone. I use disposable diapers, I throw them away in plastic grocery bags and I clean my floor with Pine Sol. Get over it. Al Gore is a dumb ass.

I am sick and tired of: my husband not understanding anything I say. I repeat myself at LEAST three times with EVERYTHING. LISTEN and I will NOT have to tell you again ... and MAYBE you would understand the FIRST effing time!!!!

I am sick and tired of: being bitchy .... I NEED to get some sleep so I can become a more calm and peaceful person .... oh jeez ... this is JUST not me.

2 remarks:

Anonymous said...

With all of this going on, I never noticed a change in your attitude at all. You handle it well, but you know that already.

I can most certainly relate to the husband not listening - I think men have the selective hearing genes. If it's not about sex, food or something else that peaks their interest they don't hear you.

Are you working the longer hours now for Michael's big September festival of bringing in more business?

Anonymous said...

Oh and I was thinking about your list when I was at lunch today... I forgot to mention that I'm so OVER hearing about Obama AND the green movement myself. Good points indeed. You are not alone. Kevin and I feel the SAME WAY!