Monday, February 8, 2010

Watching my boys

I just turned on my nanny-cam and sat here and watched Big J do exercises with his class. Little j is doing an art project.

While I think it is awesome that they are getting this social network and stimulation, it makes me crave staying home with them even more.

I have been pouring my heart into work lately. It was New Year's goal of mine ... not complain as much and just try, harder.

Well, I have been. I have been working my ass off and have even reached my goal. Unfortunately I know this pace is going to die down, especially with the market starting to dive again.

The part that irks me the most, and always has, my jag-bag of a boss. Think he has said one encouraging remark since the start of the year? Think he has given me even a half-assed pat on the back? Nope. Nothing. Nada. Sip. Zilch. Zero.



So ... I will keep working hard. But, every time things like this happen I get an even longer list of reasons to hate my job, and my company. And I get 1000 more reasons to want to tell them to stuff it.

I love my life. I love my kids. I wish I could love my job ... ain't gonna happen.

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