Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I am breaking up with you ....

As I stood in the middle of my closet, staring at the clothes, and saying to myself, "I have nothing to wear," I realized that it is time to end this winter.

I feel this way every February. I look in my closet and suddenly realize that everything I own sucks. The color, the style, the fit. It all sucks. I suddenly find myself wearing the same 3 outfits on a steady rotation.

I notice that all of my boots have scuffs and scratches and they look like hell. My shirts have all developed these little holes on the waist line and make me look like I belong in a trash can (where the hell do these things come from??). But, I am not about to go and buy anything ... because even the new stuff (only to be found on tightly stuffed clearance racks) is sad looking at this point too.

Everything I wear seems to be black, brown or some version of grey. Suddenly my pants feel like I have gained 30 pounds (I haven't gained a pound though). What the hell?

Everywhere I go I see new stuff out there. Pretty T-shirts. Cute skirts. Sandals (yes, sandals!). Why the hell would I buy any of this stuff if we are going to walk around in the cold, slush and snow for another two months? Why do you people do this to me?

I am tired of soup and casseroles. I want salads. I want to grill. I want to walk outside and put my ugly coat away!!!!

I want to change the clocks so that maybe my son will sleep past the hour of 6:00 am! I want to have daylight extend past the dinner hour so I can feel free to get stuff done and enjoy my children without the aid of the TV!

Go away Winter I don't want you around any more. We need to take a break. I am tired of your grey skies, your dirty roadways, your ugly clothes. I don't want to see you anymore. Send someone else in your place ... namely ... SPRING.

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