Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Never let them go diaper-less

I took the boys to swim lessons yesterday evening (E is on an Army trip until Wednesday ... lots of responsibility for me with the boys .again, like old times... but, OH what a break that is!).
I offered to make leftovers (chili dogs from Superbowl Sunday) or we could stop at McDonald's (a rarity in our house). McDonald's won.
So .... I get the kids set up at the kitchen table with their Happy Meals, I reheat some leftover Chicken Marsala for myself and I kindly inform them that right after dinner we will have bath time.
They ate, I ate, everyone was happy. Big J was done first and went to watch some TV. I started getting a few chores done and let little j finish. Suddenly little j shows up in front of me with the wipes box, "boof."
Mommy, "Did you mess your diaper?"
little j, "boof. No."
Mommy, "hee hee, did you 'boof'?"
little j, "no."
The smell was overwhelming.
So .... I tell Big J that it was bath time. He runs upstairs to take his clothes off and put them into the hamper.
I take little j to his room, take off his clothes and clean up his diaper. I told little j to go to the bathroom it was time for a bath. I didn't put on his diaper ... no need, right?
I start to run the water and turn to go get Big J. Little j was standing - naked - on the step stool at the sink. He turns and looks at me and heads into the bathtub.
Out of the corner of my eye I notice something that just doesn't seem right.
I look down and see something on the step stool, bathroom rug, bathroom tile and on the side of the tub.
Dude .... the kid took a dump while standing on the stool and then proceeded to drop it all over the floor as he booked towards the tub!
So ... I scramble ... my naked 4 1/2 year old runs to the bathroom and says, "How can I help (dude - who the fuck IS this kid????)?" I instruct him to go to the basement door and grab a Target bag.
I then get wipes and scoop up the ickiness.
Big J holds the bag while I clean up and little j just sits in the tub, poopy and happy.
In the end, butts were cleaned, rugs were washed and boys were put to bed.
But seriously, to my dear sweet husband, these incidents just reinforce that we do NOT need a dog in our house for quite some time!!!!!

2 remarks:

The Pinterest Professional said...

hahaha - carson peed once when standing naked waiting for the bathtub to fill. lol

I was asking around about potty training recently and some women swore by the "let them go naked" rule - I don't think I could do that...and then have to constantly clean up pee and poop off the floor?!!

misguidedmomy said...

uggggggggg codi did this the other day. we were getting in the bath and he kept saying potty. so i put him on the potty and he would say no. on off on off on off and nothing. i walk in my bathroom to grab something and walk out to see him squating in the hall pushing a poop out on my floor. welll it wasn't all the way out so i picked him up and ran to the bathroom with poop dangling from his butt and about 4 inches from the toilet it drops on my toe and the bathroom rug and floor. i wanted to die!