Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Please keep your hands inside the ride ...

My life is a roller coaster. This statement, I know, is nothing that should surprise me, or anyone else for that matter. I have highs and lows, good days and bad. Some days I want to get off quicker than imaginable; and some days, I hope the ride slows to a halt so that I can enjoy it just a bit longer.

Having my baby sister in town this past weekend was awesome, yet, at the same time, it sucked.

Why was it awesome? We chat, eat, shop, laugh til we pee .... we play Wii Fit until 2:00 am. She loves my boys and wants them to grow up right. She gives me a break. She understands why I have cut "friends" out of my life, why I hate my job and why I talk like I have ingested 6 or 7 espressos.

Why did it suck? My husband cannot seem to grasp how to be a social creature, especially with family. My sister likes to voice her opinions, no matter what the repercussions. My sister and my husband fight like cats and dogs. My sister and my husband make me cry (note: apologies always come later and the fights always get resolved). My sister had to go home.

So, I am getting back on my aforementioned roller coaster of a life .... it is a Tuesday in the office, and quite frankly, we could zoom ahead on this ride any time.

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