Wednesday, January 27, 2010

10 Things That Make Me Happy

My cousin's wife, Libby ( "tagged" me in her blog, so, what the heck, I will use it as today's inspiration!

...10 Things that Make me Happy.

While I am sure some people will get all deep and poignant ... I am going to list those, as well as a few of the little things that get me through the days sometimes!

1. My little guys. They are insane. They are nuts. They make me want to run out of the house screaming, "HELP ME!" But, they are boys given to me by the good Lord in Heaven and I love them with every ounce of me.

2. My family. Even though my parents have been going through some emotional changes lately, we still get along great. I could not ask for a better mom or dad. My sisters are my friends for life and that, no matter what argument we might have, will never change.

3. My husband. He drives me insane. We have had our ups and downs. But in the end, he is another gift given to me and I cherish him.

4. My TV shows. House, 24, The Forgotten (my new favorite from this year) and My Boys. I cannot miss them and I am sad when each episode is done. Like they say, it is the little things.

5. Spin. I love, love, love, my Spin class. I hate getting UP for the class, but when I am there (and my fave instructor is teaching) I love the exhilarating feeling I get. I could cycle for hours ... sometimes. :)

6. Diet Dr Pepper. I have stated this before, I know. And yes, I know the NutraSweet sucks. But, seriously, I look forward to having a cold can of pop. It makes me feel happy. Period. Cancer be damned. LOL!

7. Summer. Do I have to say anything more??????

8. Reading. Magazines, chic lit, biographies. I love reading and wish I could do more of it; with 2 kids and a full time job, it only happens every once in a while.

9. Loud music. People are sometimes shocked to hear the things that I listen to. Sometimes, it is: the louder, the better. For some odd reason, sometimes, it calms me down. It is the only music that I can listen to when I work out - dance music and hip hop just make me want to bounce. Loud music wants me to rip the gym apart and then piece it back together again. (and, oh yea, is it bad that Big J loves loud music too?!?!?!)

10. God. Without Him it all is meaningless.

OK ... I guess I can tag a couple ....

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