Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Who are you and what did you do with my child?

So, last night, we are sitting at dinner after Big J's swim lessons (leftover Chinese .... no time to cook with 5:30 lessons!. Big J is done eating, Little j gets put in bed and I (AKA; the maid) have to start cleaning up.

E asks Big J if he would like to watch a show, Big J replies, "Nope, no show, I think I am going to help Mommy."

Huh? What? Did I just hear someone say they want to help Mommy???

Waiting for the punch line, I inquire, "you mean you want me to get you a snack ro something and you are going to help?"

"No, Mommy, I want to help you clean up the kitchen."

And with that, my beautiful 3-soon-to-be-4-year-old, learns how to wash dishes, load the dishwasher, wipe up the counter, take out the recycling, and clean the high chair.

After every task, I asked him, "Are you ready to stop or do you want to learn more?"

Each time he replied, "No Mommy, I am having fun helping you."

When the last task was completed he asked, "Is it OK if I am done now?"

He hugged me and we sat down to watch Shark Week together. While we were sitting there, I thanked him an asked what made him want to help me this evening.

His reply? "No one ever helps you Mommy and I didn't want you to be so tired."

:) I love my little boy.

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