Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sticks and Stones

So, we are getting out of the car last night for swim lessons and Big J says, "out of my way fat lady."


E asks him to repeat what he said and Big J says, "the kids at school said Mommy is fat, so I said Mommy is fat."

E proceeds to question Big J about who said what. Big J says that his friend, little Frank (there are two Franks in his class ... I didn't know "Frank" was such a popular name!), said that Big J's Mommy is fat.

E tries to tell him that he should protect his Mommy and tell other kids to be nice.

OK ... so, my issue? Is it bad that hearing a 4 year old think I am fat actually HURT?! I mean, here I am busting my tail every morning to get to Spin classes, watching what I eat and some punk brat kid is going to tell my son that his mom is fat??? Has anyone let this punk know that I have lost 30 pounds this year??????

I want to kick some ass, and I want to kick it now!

Obviously the emotional scars from this issue from the past NEVER go away.

In the meantime, I think I remember Frank's Mom and she was some big trailer-trash woman. I hope she hears it from her kid some day. Pay back is a bitch.

1 remarks:

misguided mommy said...

brandon once slapped my butt and ran around saying look mommies butt jiggles. then kept doing it over and over, i wanted to cry. i had to lock him out of my room before you i came unglued