Monday, February 2, 2009


What IS it with socks? Does anyone else have this problem:

I go to put on a pair of socks and low and behold, holes. Consistent holes in the same spots- right on the heel and then under the ball of the foot.

I don't get it. They aren't OLD socks. Shoot, I even started buying more expensive socks, but still, same spot, same holes.

It gets embarrassing. It is that time of year that you have to take your shoes off when you get to someone else's home, and VOILA! holey socks.

It also doesn't matter how old they are. OR, how often I wear them - after a few wears, holes.
What the hell do I do - shuffle my feet along sandpaper?

Is it flip-flop weather yet???????

2 remarks:

Mandy said...

I know this doesnt help .. but put an extra pair in your purse to put on when you get to a friends house:)

My SIL works for Hanes ... perhaps I will send your complaint her way!

Mommy said...

Good idea ..... ;)