Saturday, February 21, 2009

Snow Day ...

So, this storm that we were supposed to get fizzled ... I am glad, but jeesh, can you get it right? I freakin prepare for 8 inches of crap and all we get is a few inches and it has already blown off the driveway? Some storm ... way to cry wolf!
But, in the end, I am glad we cancelled our plans for today. Last night after dinner, that Big J HAD to eat, the stomach flu reared its ugly head.
I was up ALL night, literally, all night, with him while he puked and puked, and talked in his sleep and had a fever of at least 104.
He was finally able to hold down some liquids this morning, just finished some chicken soup and I gave him some ibuprofin. Now? He has not shut up .... "play with me Mommy," "I am a pirate Mommy," "I feel so much better Mommy."
Yeah ... but Mommy hasn't slept since Thursday night!!!!!!!
Oh well, hopefully he IS feeling better ..... and little j doesn't catch anything.
So, we sit here, watching Pirate's of the Carribean III (am I a bad Mom for letting a 3 year old watch it?), and wishing BOTH boys would take naps at the SAME time ....
Ahhhh ... to be back in Florida again. Last week at this time I was sitting on the patio with a drink, getting a tan .............

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