Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Leave me alone

You know, I am glad that my husband has been out of harms way for a while. I am sad that he has been injured and that he has been alone for several months now. I miss him - truly, I do. But .... why is it that he comes home and I feel completely graded on the job I am doing at home. He took care of the boys yesterday and today ... and apparently it is an EASY job. they are great to take care of and he was able to get chores and stuff done while he watched them. I guess I am just an idiot who cannot multi-task properly.
He also noticed some places around that house that need some cleaning .... and apparently, he would help me out with that. Whatever.
Then - he calls me today AT WORK to tell me how awful our yard looks and how could I let HIS beautiful yard get ruined. WTF??? I am DOING my freaking best. Its nice that he doesn't have to work a full time job AND take care of the kids ... ALL he does is RECOVER. Whatever.
I love him ... I want him home. But, I want him off of my back.

3 remarks:

Gina said... I share your feelings. I love mine dearly too, but Mr. Stay At Home Dad Until I'm Off Orders is making me crazy the opposite way. How about throwing a load of laundry in (or did you forget how to do that while deployed) or maybe having dinner ready for me when I get home from WORKING all day. And the worst for me is...get my baby out of her pj's and in some regular clothes before I get home. I'm tired of coming home to her in her pj's at 5:45pm!!! All of these things he couldn't wait to get home to do b/c being deployed made him miss life at home...
Yep-I hear ya..

Mommy said...

Oh THANK GOD I am not alone ... I feel bad for being so irritated!!!!! BUT COME ON already!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow. I'm sorry to hear that. It would be nice if he thought about it for one second. He has been home all day long!!! If he were getting up at 6am running them to daycare, taking the train to work, dealing with an asshole boss all day, coming home and doing all the chores around the house all with just a couple hours sleep... MAYBE he'd understand! I'm irritated that he felt the need to call you AT WORK about the yard. Was that necessary? Why didn't he call someone to take care of it instead? Ugh. I had no idea, I'm sorry. Here I thought it would be a nice relaxing break to have him home!