Friday, January 21, 2011

Blah, blah, blah ....

It's been a long week. Even with a day off on Monday, I feel like I have been working non-stop. I went from feeling exceptionally organized to out of control again, and I don't really know why.
I have been following my "do it now so you don't have to do it later" mantra .... but there have been a few nights where all I have felt like doing is sitting on the couch, flipping channels, and eating ...
There is another thing: eating. I cannot stop. I have no willpower what so ever. It would be one thing if I craved healthy shit, but I have been craving carbs like there is no tomorrow. I know a lot has to do with the weather, but I need to snap out of it or I am going to destroy the last year of hard work and weight loss in one big POOF! Chips, cookies, candy ... they literally call my name from the kitchen every afternoon and evening. I start the day off so well and by 3:00 BOOM!!!! I am eating like I starving animal.
I did start a new workout this week. I had tried this Bootcamp workout on OnDemand a few weeks ago and loved it. I decided to buy it from Amazon. It's Jay Johnson's Boot camp Fitness. It is straight up boot camp. No ifs, ands or butts about it. I missed Spin every day this week, but have been doing this in its place. I can hardly squat down to pee (TMI?). I recommend it BIG time if you need a new kick in the ass. I am actually going to see what other workouts he has on DVD and get a few. Its a nice change of pace from Jackie Warner and Jillian Michael's.
It's Friday, and I am happy. I worked EARLY this morning, so I can end early this afternoon. Big J has swim lessons tonight (in this frigid cold I am wondering how much I really feel like taking the entire family swimming, but the kids love it). Tomorrow is wrap up the laundry and hang out day and on Sunday E is going to the NFC Championship game.
It's really weird, and I really cannot figure out why, but I don't care. I don't care that the Bears could be going to the Superbowl. I don't care that this is like the dream matchup and people are dying to go. I don't care. But, that isn't me. If anyone knows me, I am a sports fanatic. This type of stuff should dominate my thoughts. Maybe it is a tell tale sign that the winter blues have kicked in yet again. Maybe by Sunday I can be excited. Maybe.

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