Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Where can I find the time????

How do some people do it? I know I bitch ... A LOT ... about my job. I will continue to bitch about my job until it changes or I am not there any more. But, I also know I still have some perks. I am not tethered to a desk every day from 8-5. I can set my schedule (most of the time) for what works for me ... around swim lessons, day care parties, etc.

What I do not get, is how do women who do work 8-5 every day get anything done?

Big J has grown about 2 feet in the last month or so. His feet? I think he is wearing men's sizes. I have to get him a complete new wardrobe for fall/winter. I also have changed sizes since last winter (thankfully SMALLER ... but not yet small enough to fit back into my pre-little j clothes) and need to get new jeans and some tops for the cold weather. I have a list of stores to hit and places to try ... but when the heck am I supposed to get this done?

Taking Big J shopping is just BEGGING for a barrage of, "Mommy, can I have's" and "You never get me anything's." Trying to find a pair of jeans that fit my inherited thunder thighs and baby pooch while keeping an 18 month old inside a fitting room and a 4 year old from asking why I have a scar on my belly is IMPOSSIBLE and draining.

So, on my way home every day, when I can, I stop at an individual store and get something done. How I miss the days of knowing I had the ability to work from home one day a week and I could tackle my errands in just a few short hours while the kids were at school. How I miss the days that I could avoid even coming near a store on a busy Saturday afternoon, while the boys are napping, when I would much rather be watching college football anyway!

And even without the boys ... have you tried on clothes lately (and if you have, and you are one of those woman who can look at a size, slip it on and voila pay dirt ... leave me alone!)??? I have pants at home. They are too big. I went to the store to get the SAME pants in one size down. Too small. Tried on the size I have at home .... too effing small!!!! WHAT?!?!?!?!??

I tried on jeans. I KNOW what kind I need ... I cannot, nor have I ever (even in my skinniest of days) been able to wear skinny jeans. Once again, the inherited thunder thighs have stopped that fantasy. So, I look for straight leg, mid rise (did I mention I have the "I have had 2 C-sections pooch"????) jeans. Um ... if you say they are S-T-R-A-I-G-H-T leg ... WHY do they get narrow at the thigh and then big at the calf ... um, by definition, is that straight??????

straight,adjective -er, -est, adverb, noun
–adjective 1. without a bend, angle, or curve; not curved; direct: a straight path.

So .... LUCKILY I found a pair of Liz & Co at JC Penney that I think does the trick.

THEN I went bra shopping ... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA .....

I tried doing this on Saturday afternoon in between naps and at the before the start of the ND game. Yeah ... she measured me, and, yet again, I am between sizes. Actually - I have BIG freakin boobs! Hello, can we say 34 DDD ... TRIPLE effing D?!?!?!??! Whatever happened to my sweet little 34 C chest? Oh yea, two kids.

So, Victoria Secret only had a 36 DD, I bought that and hope it will suffice until I can find a place that carries bras for big mamas. I ran home to catch the 2nd quarter of the game, change a load of laundry and get the kids ready for Saturday evening Mass.

ARGH! I am hoping to catch a burst of energy one evening after the boys go to sleep so I can actually clean the house ... doing things like that sporatically doesn't work because it never ends!!!!

1 remarks:

Mandy said...

I hate clothes shopping ... I and HATE trying clothes on ... so this morning a pair of jeans at target caugh my eyes, I grabbed them (knowing they were probably tooooo long) .. finshed getting stuff, etc went home and tried them on .. tooooo long and little tooo small .... so I returned them not 2 hours later .... luckily, I forgotten something else I needed to return and eric needed something so the 2nd trip pre noon wasnt totally STUPID...