Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Time flies when you are having ... fun?

Where, oh where, has my time gone? In the blink of an eye a week goes by (yet, there are days that seem to DRAG ON FOREVER!)

Thanksgiving came and went ... E came home. It was a whirlwind weekend. I was cooking and preparing all day Thursday - his parents and sister came for dinner. We had an enjoyable time ... MUCH better than visits in the past. I must say that one of teh thinsg this deployment gave us was a new relationship with his family. They still have their quirks (whio doesn't???), but at least time with them can be enjoyable.

Friday evening we had our 20 year grade school reunion. I had a BLAST! It was so less nerve-wracking than a high school reunion. I had grown up with these people, so it seemed like a family reunion, rather than a competition. It was so cool to catch up with some people that I literally have not seen in over 20 years! I felt like I had been talking to them every day since, though! I wish we could have another! I got tipsy ... no .... DRUNK. E drove home while I slept (passed out). Thankfully I was just a bit slow the next day; not hungover like I have been in the past (E would have shot me!).

We took Big J and little j to breakfast with Santa on Saturday - little j fell completely asleep before the fat man came ... funny pic that I will have to post later!

Sunday came way too quickly. Its weird - I "envision" the visit with E for days before he gets there, yet it never turns out to be quite what I pictured. I think part of it is taht we both have defenses up - we alreayd wait for his departure the moment he arrives. Sucks - but that is life.

So ... now we wait for time to creep until vacation on teh 18th (and then we will FLY into the new year!) ........

2 remarks:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had such a blast at the grade school reunion! That sounds like fun, I wish our school would do that!

I know what you mean about envisioning the weekend. I tend to do that too much and I shouldn't, because my grandiose ideas get me all excited for a let down sometimes.

Gina said...

So glad you got to spend time with Eric!