Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Attention shoppers ...

To the lady that got all pissy with me the other day while in line Target:
A big EFF YOU! When I have been in line for 15 minutes behind a gazillion people and a new register opens up and they say next customer, you bet your big fat sweet butt that I am moving, since I was the next customer in line. I do not feel that I owe you any apologies for stepping in front of your over-flowing cart that just showed up and tried to butt in front of me and my 3 items. So, your nasty look and your heavy breathing did not make me feel bad. Really, it just made me a bit more thankful that I have manners and would have let you step in front of me if the roles were reversed! Get over it lady .....

To the managers at Dominicks:
I have been shopping at your store for almost ten years now. I tell people that I like your store way better than Jewel, but I do not think I can say that any longer. Is there a reason that you refuse to get your freezers replaced? For 5 weeks straight you have had at least 50% of your freezers cleaned out because they are on the fritz, causing me to have to go to Jewel to finish my shopping. Not so much fun when you have a 4 year old and toddler in tow!!! So, my dear Dominicks managers, get your store fixed before I become a Jewel girl!

To the hiring managers that really do not think:
If I offend someone, sorry (well, no, not sorry ... this is my blog and I will tell you what I think ...period) ... I do not want some gay dude helping me pick out women's underwear, women's skirts ... or anything that touches my body. Are there not enough men's stores to find jobs at? Seriously ... go away. Leave me alone. Let the nice lady help me find lady stuff ...... And, if they aren't gay, why would a dude want to work at Victoria's Secret or The Limited, anyway??

To the men who make the bras:
I know you are men, I know there is not one woman out there who designs these suckers. I went to Victoria's Secret the other day (where I encountered one of the first dudes that was working in a "lady" store) and got measured .... holy boobs batman!!!!! Yeah, VS doesn't make bras that fit my boobs. Ever try and find a freaking 34 DDD (yes, 34 DDD) in a store and not look like you put on your 95 year old grandmother's bra? Ugh. Seriously ladies ... can some creative designer please make a bra that fits and looks good? Is that really to much to ask????

To the marketing world in general:
Honestly, I know we all want to make as much money as we can, but do we really need to have Christmas decorations displayed before we even go trick or treating? I seriously start to feel completely overwhelmed in your stores when I feel like I am two months behind on everything I do. Please RISE UP and become the first store that actually keeps up with the calendar! I bet there would be a few people who would be happy about that!

2 remarks:

Anonymous said...

If I were to write to Dominick's my beef would be about the "self" checkout. There is nothing done by "self" in these lines when I have to call someone over for coupons who no doubt will ASK ME if I BOUGHT the item before doing anything else - why don't you look for yourself if you don't believe me?" When I scan something and every blathering time it comes up as needing assistance for whatever reason - but NO ONE IS THERE to help me. I cannot stand waiting in line, self check out is easy and convenient AT MEIJER... but at Dominick's it makes blood shoot from my eye sockets. I've always been a Dominck's girl myself, I cannot stand Jewel.... but I'm about to become a Meijer or Target girl again (only reason I don't shop there now is bc it's 15 miles away and Dom's is around the corner!)

Don't get me started on Christmas decorations. We saw them in Vegas. Note, I was in Vegas the first week of October.

Someone sighed at me with that line situation yesterday!! It was actually at Dominick's, coincidentally, because the self checkout line was 5 people deep. Wonder why? Oh because of the issues I already mentioned. I had TWO ITEMS and some lady got all huffed bc I moved over and got in line! WTF? TWO ITEMS. Step off, I am the most courteous person on the road and in the store..ONE TIME I step over bc I'm in a hurry and I get huffed at? It's PMS week, I feel like the Michelin man - DON'T press your luck.

Whew. I needed that.

misguided mommy said...

okay i hate hate hate when people try and jump in front of you when the clerk says next customer. what pisses me off is when they are so pushy about it i actually give in and let them go and then spend the next twenty minutes behind some asshole lady who won't stop chatting with the checker about her bunions on her feet and her little niece tracy's favorite new kids book


also. seriously about victorias secret I SO FEEL YOU

i was left to shop at walmart for my gigantor boobs