Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Amen sister!

OK, this is exactly how I feel.

I detest those Moms who think that everything they do or say to/with/for their children is the absolute. I have been around some of them ad it is excruciating.

You know the ones:
"Wow, I never give my children pop." (Never say never missy .... one day your child will be at a party and BAM! he is addicted to the shit).

"My children never watch TV, excerpt educational shows." (Well la-ti-freakin-da ... TV let me take showers, listen to conference calls, make dinner. I love TV. God bless the inventor. May your child never know the joy of laughing their ass off while watching You Gabba Gabba or The Backyardigans... mine do!)

"We teach our son how to speak Chinese." (That is great for you, you stinkin Commie ... GOD BLESS AMERICA! My kids learn the English language first and foremost!)

Seriously ladies ... get your heads out of your asses and realize that there is more than one way of being a good mom.

2 remarks:

The Pinterest Professional said...

hahaha - I have posted a FEW times about how annoyed I get w/ these types of moms. As I always say, what works for one doesn't always work for another.
And I agree w/ the whole TV thing - in fact, you know what I love bragging about to the mom who doesn't allow her kids to watch tv and pays hundreds of dollars for them to learn spanish? My son learned spanish from watching Dora - for free! :) LOL!

Lainey-Paney said...

My favorite:
setting---Meet the teacher night
topic---3 coveted spots to sign up to be 'room mother'

What did one mom say to another who 'took up a slot'???
"Well, you wooooork."
As in---do you really think that you will have time to devote to this classroom as 'room mother'?
I had to bite my tongue to not say, "Oh, you're so right. She probably just FORGOT that she has a job."
{who the heck are those moms to imply that she can't be the room mom because she also has a career?!}