Thursday, May 20, 2010

Life - 24/7

Been way too long since I wrote anything.

My problem? Every time I sit down to write, something pops up: leaks in the basement (which found their way into our electrical box), yard work (can I just say that trying to remove 15 years worth of mulch lends to many stuffed outdoor bags, and a very sore back the next morning?), children not sleeping (playing Supernanny for one week can wear any sane person down) ....

You name it, I am doing it, have done it or will be doing it within the next 24 hours!

Life happens. Life has been happening.

I am hoping it will continue to happen .... but maybe at a more peaceful pace???


I love my kids .... I love my house (but, have you ever seen the movie Money Pit? That is our home, seriously!) .... my job has even gotten a bit better.

Life is happening ... and it aint that bad.

1 remarks:

Anonymous said...

Heya.. I've been posting to a new blog address that I (begrudgingly) created when I hosed my old one. Then, someone on the blogger forums gave me some tips to try and I was able to get my old blog back. So, I imported all the posts and it appears to be back up now on the new address. I had to re-do all the links, blogroll, etc but I saved it. Hooray!