13 Things I Hope to Wear Again someday:
1. My bikini
2. Skinny jeans
3. Pencil Skirt (I would walk like I belonged in the sausage race up in Milwaukee!)
4. Lingerie (too many lumps and bumps)
5. Push-Up bra (I would have boobs in my ears if I wore one now)
6. Cute tank tops
7. Shorts (and not just for working out)
8. My blouses tucked INSIDE my pants
9. Swanky dresses
10. All of the fun skirts I bought a few summers ago
11. Short t-shirts
12. Cute workout tops at the gym (now its just old t's)
13. Anything that clings
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Thursday Thirteen
Labels: body, dreams, Thursday 13
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
OK - I am addicted
So ... I joined Facebook a few months ago but didn't see anyone I knew and I kind of wrote it off.
I happened to be killing some day one night and - OMG!!!! - I am addicted!
I have seriously found long lost people .... my old next door neighbor from 7th grade, my college roommate, old soroity sisters, high school classmates .... It is actually quite fun!
If you have never gone on ... seriously, try it! It is a great way to find those people that you always wondered, "I wonder what happened to them?"
Two-fer Tuesday
2 things I had to clean up yesterday:
1. I decided to make the afternoon special for Big J. It was a hot day, I tried to finish work up early and I decided I would get him a Vanilla Shake on the way home. I filled his pool up and we were going to play. Big J felt that he needed a DIFFERENT snack and wanted to "save the shake for later." I told him no ... well, he didn't listen. As I walking in the door with little j, I heard a thud, an "oh no" and then a cry ... I walk into the kitchen to see Big J with the frig door open, shake up-ended and spilling ALL OVER my kitchen floor. No more shake for Big J.
2. I was up at 2:00 feeding Little j. I hear a "Mommy" coming from the other room, I poke my head in and ask him what is wrong, "I want to sleep in your bed." I told him no and then he says, "but Mommy, mine is all wet." ..... After three days of wearing underpants to bed, he finally had his first accident. So ... I stripped the bed, I wiped up the mattress, and Big J slept in Mommy's bed.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Thursday Thirteen
13 of my Favorite Snacks:
1. Oreos and Milk - What I wouldn't do to have a bag of those right now!
2. Chips and Salsa
3. Fritos - These are EVIL. I haven't had any in YEARS since they are like 1000's of calories!!!
4. Cool Ranch Doritoes - Simply the best!
5. Hint of Lime Tostidos - These are my new found favorite chips!
6. Microwave popcorn - Especially while I am watching a good movie!
7. Ice Cream - and not low fat either - just give me a tub of the good stuff - maybe Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia or Edy's Girl Scout Samoa's and leave me alone!
8. Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich's - these are so yummy and taste like they are worse for you than they really are!
9. Sour Cream and Onion Pringles - I could literally eat the entire container at once.
10. Sour Cream and Cheddar Ruffles - another evil creation.
11. Smoked Almonds - Can anyone REALLY have ONE SINGLE serving????
12. Smoked Cheddar Cheese and crackers - WOW! How yummy! Another thing I cannot have just ONE serving of!
13. Smoked Fish spread - I cannot get this around here, so I love when I visit my parents and they have a tub of this - it is heavenly!
Labels: food, Thursday 13
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Tuesday Two-fers
2 reasons I am sad:
1. My Mom and Dad left today. This just sucks.
2. My work schedule doesn't lighten up till .... shoot - looking at my calendar - it NEVER lightens up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Thursday Thirteen
13 Things I Love About my Parents
1. They love to drink. I know - it sounds like we are all alcoholics ... but seriously, hoe many people can actually say that they can get a little toasty with their Mom and Dad and not be embarrassed by it???
2. They are still young. They both may be 57 - but NO ONE ever believes me. They have energy to do things and the willingness to try!
3. They are sports nuts ... sometimes I think my Mom is worse than my Dad! Mom has taken the Tampa teams on as her own and even growing up I can remember countless weekends, school nights and big events being centered around Bulls games, football games, Cubs playoff games, etc, etc, etc.
4. They love my boys.
5. They are easy to talk with about most anything ... not EVERYTHING ... but most things.
6. My Mom never tried to be my best friend ... she always was, and still is, just my Mom ... and I like it like that.
7. My Dad loves to shop .... I always thought that was the coolest thing!
8. They travel. How many people have parents that refuse to get on a plane? Mine don't mind at all!
9. They still want their family to always be together. While it may sometimes get annoying that they haven't figured out that I am a 34 year old woman with a life of her own and 2 kids, I think it is awesome that they still think of me and my sisters as there little kids.
10. My Mom cannot handle being away from my Dad. My Dad cannot handle being away from my Mom. It can be annoying when you want to do things ... but in the end ... I think it is totally cool that after 36 years of marriage, they still want to be with each other.
11. They embrace my friends. Ever since I can remember, my friends were always made into part of our family .... there are very few people in this world who cannot get along with them.
12. They know me like the back of their hands. It sucks that I can never hide anything. It is great that I can never hide anything .... catch 22 huh?!
13. They love each other. They love my sisters. They love me. And, I believe, they even love all three of their son-on-laws.
Labels: parents, Thursday 13
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Two-fer Tuesday
Two things I would rather be doing (than sitting in this office and answering these darned phones):
1. Laying on a beach, getting a tan (screw the skin cancer thing), drinking a cool drink (preferably with some rum or vodka in it), reading a good book and having nothing else to do all day.
2. At home, on the couch, in some comfy clothes, watching reruns, eating some good food (because - in fantasies - calories do NOT count), playing the kids, getting ready to go lounge at the pool all day .....
Maybe these thoughts will sustain me until 5:00- or I pass out from these phone calls - whichever comes first!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Life is Short
Saw this printed in the Chicago Tribune a while back ... It holds so many truths.
Life's Short.
Make that Call
Life's Short.
Write that letter.
Life's Short
You'll live longer if you fix that thing that's driving you nuts.
Life's Short.
Too short for bad wine, bad coffee and uncomfortable underwear. But there's always room for "American Idol."
Life's Short.
Embarrassing e-mails live forever.
Are you Sure you should hit send?
Life's short.
Don't waste another day with a hangover.
Life's Short.
Spend less time looking in the mirror and more time looking at the sky.
Life's short.
When was the last time you watched the stars?
Life's short.
Get TiVo.
Life's short.
Too short to figure out TiVo. Just get rid of the TV.
Life's short.
Get over it.
Get over the grudge.
Get over the sorrow.
Get over the fear.
Get over the memory.
Get over the disbelief that on the cosmic clock your life lasts barely longer than a cough.
Life's short.
Be ready to die.
Life's short.
Stop making excuses.
Life is short but there is still time for breakfast.
Life's short
But never too short to help a friend.
Life's short.
Good weather is shorter.
Go outside.
Life's short.
But there is no need to rush.
Life's short.
Lengthen. Your. Breath.
Life's short.
Do you really want to watch that rerun of a rerun of that sitcom rerun?
Life's short.
Show your necks and knees while you're young.
Life's short.
How much of yours will you waste at your computer?
Life, however long, will always be short. Too short for anything to be added.
Labels: inspiration, life
Monday... Monday....
So ... the weekend flew by like a bat out of hell. Why is that anyway??? We spend Five stinkin days working, busting our butts, with most of those days seeming to take FOREVER to get by ... yet, we have only two days to recoup and recover and they ALWAYS ALWAYS fly by??????
Anyway ... Friday night I took the boys to Max and Erma's for an early dinner. Big J enjoyed his ice cream sundae with blue, yes blue, whipped cream (he had a LOVELY ring around his mouth for hours!). After I put the boys to bed I did the Jillian DVD "30 Day Shred." Holy CRAP it KICKED MY ASS! It was only 20 minutes but it felt like I had been working out for at least an hour ... I think I will be using this workout a Lot!
Saturday morning we putzed around the house, made LOVELY by the fact that little j slept through the night, until it was time to meet a friend for lunch. Right before we ate little j promptly puked all over himself. I thought maybe it was because I had given him the bottle that I left out for his nighttime feeding (I know - bad Mom).
That afternoon we went to a lake and let the kids swim and dig in the sand. Big J was in hog heaven. Right before we were leaving, little j's diaper held an EXPLOSION .... that is what started the poopfest.
Have you ever been invited? If not ... feel free to come by ... lots of great smells and entertainment from the faces Mommy makes as she tries to clean up the pajamas, butt cheeks, mattress, and anything else that came into contact with the festival!!!!
The rest of the weekend (outside of the pooping) was relaxing ... we spent time at the park, had dinner at a friend's house and watched the Cubs.
Little j is 4 months old today (my how time flies) and my parents get into town on Thursday (maybe the will help this week FLY by!!!)
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Follow Up
So .... Little j DID sleep through the night! Didn't hear a peep out of him until 7:45 this morning! :)
The storms rolled in at 4:35 ... I promptly heard a "MOMMY!" coming from Big J's room. The thunder lasted about 45 minutes (a few made me jump - so I can only imagine how a 2 year old would feel!).
So, maybe tonight I will have a no-storm, sleep through the night, night ... wouldn't that be nice!?
Oh yea ... here is a recent picture of the two little dudes from the 4th of July:
Friday, July 11, 2008
Getting There
Slowly but surely I will have this blog set up the way I want it to be. It is infuriating that I cannot do it on my home computer ... that thing is such the piece O' crap. I am now sitting in bed, on my work lap top (wasting VALUABLE sleep time I must add) working on this darned thing! I just want to get it up and running so I can truly start posting about things that really matter ...
Like how my husband is driving me nuts ..... But, we shall discuss that at another time ... Now ... it is time to get less than my average of 6 hours of sleep .... which may be even less if we get storms tonight ... It will bring Big J into Mommy's bed ... and then I will deal with feet in my face, stomach, arms ...
Night Night!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
An Oops on My part
So - I originally set up my blog for my husband to read while he was deployed. I don't think he ever bothered to look at it. In the meantime, I sent the address to WAY too many people and now, I cannot even BITCH about those people (the ones I need to be bitching about the most!).
So, here is my new blog .... I will be more open and honest in this one ... because, well, isn't that what this is supposed to be for anyway?
See you soon!!!!!