Thursday, January 12, 2017

My feel good place

So, I have realized over time that I am someone who loves efficiency. When things operate like a clock, I'm in my happy place. 

I remember when I was working, we had a system where we wrote something down, them, entered into a spreadsheet, then entered it into another program. I was so absolutely blown away by the inefficiency at work, I could hardly stand it. Fortunately, I quit before I ever had the chance to see if it ever changed (Lors help me, I hope it did!). 
I grew up in a household where my Mom would always spring clean. And I mean, CLEAN. Baseboards, closets, behind beds..... I used I follow suit. Then, last year for Christmas, I received bar glasses. I looked at the box of bar glasses and then at the area I had established for that type of stuff and realized and needed a re-org. 
So, I got busy rearranging cabinets, which lead to cleaning the kitchen, which lead to my whole house getting a re-org through the entire month of January. 
I think we donated 14 bags full of stuff after all was said and done. 
Well, I decided I love cleaning in January. It's too cold to spend any time outside, my hands should remain busy other they will find food, and, there is something about kicking off the year with a fresh attitude. 
So, I've been cleaning closets and I feel great! My kids feel great.... and things will work. Efficiency, the key. A place for everything an everything in its place. 

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