Monday, November 25, 2013

Note to self

Stop drinking when you are tipsy, the next drink will make you drunk. 


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Make a mental note

Did a dummy and said yes, back in August, to being Big J's football team's team mom. 

They said there wasn't that much involved. 
I will say that again. Ha. With a freaking capital 'h'. 
I first had to compile the team roster- no biggie, but when people don't respond to 19 email, it sucks chasing them down. 
Then it was telling everyone about there game day duties: working the chains, doing the announcing, bringing the halftime Gatorade. 
Well, people bitched about when thy were doing it, why, could someone else do it....
Then I had to plan a beginning if the season party. Apparently asking each family to chip in $6 to go for pizza pissed several people off that thought it was unfair that a family if two would pay the same as a family of four. 
It continued all season. 
Send out game day reminders, pick up freaking pink socks for pink out day, pick up helmet stickers, gather more money, prepare homecoming banners, pick up homecoming banners, plan trophy party, replan trophy party when we get a game scheduled. 
People want me to reschedule our end of the season party because their older children have games later that afternoon. 
Um. There are 19 families- I'm supposed to reconfigure the entire thing for THREE families?
My problem?
I'm a stupid people pleaser. I freaking hate upsetting anyone.  My flaw. My big stinking flaw that gives me upset stomachs and keeps me up at night worrying- pleasing people. 
Well, I will be upsetting some and I am going to say, tough cookies. 

Remind of all this bullshit when they ask me to volunteer next year ..... Remind me, please. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Changes (from Sept 2011)

I have a new perspective in life these days ... and it took a person I hadn't seen in almost twenty years to help me with that.
So, about a month ago, a guy I had known since high school let me know he was coming into town for his reunion and that he wanted to get together and catch up with me and another one if our friends.
I planned on it, but thought for sure, it would go forgotten.
Last week, he sent a message and said to still plan on it. That is when I started to feel weird - a married Mommy going out with two guys? How bad would that look? Although E was totally fine with it (but kept reminding me to cover my drink cuz you never know what they may slip in it!), I felt weird. SO, I invited a girlfriend - besides, it would give me a chance to go out with her too!
So, flash back to Friday night. I picked my girlfriend up and then headed out to pick up K.
The three of us went to eat and the reminiscing started. I remembered so much. I had forgotten so much.
After we ate we went to a bar. Wait, this was not a bar, it was a club. Do you know the last time I was at a club? I walked right past the guy taking cover (Cover? Cover? WTF is cover?). I Was all out of whack.
We had a great time. I am talking, A.Great.Time. We talked, dance, reminisced ...
Through the night I became aware of just how much I cared about K when we hung out. We had a weird relationship - one that I cannot even define. We were friends, for years. We hung out on Friday and Saturday nights with a group of friends. He was always the nice one of the bunch - the one one that would listen or console, which is why I always valued him being around. Toward the end of high school, he enlisted in the Navy. I was graduating and moving to Florida. I was also getting over a horrible breakup and he was one of the only people around me that listened to me and helped. It was then that our relationship turned to a more "dating" type. Even then though, we weren't "dating." He was never my "boyfriend," but I always knew that I cared a lot about him.
I moved. He went away and we wrote letters. Lots of letters (wow - wonder how it would have been with email?!). After about two years, the letters suddenly stopped. K and I both tried to figure out why they stopped, but neither of us knew.
I think I realized how much I wished those letters would have continued throughout these last fifteen years. K always knew how to make me feel good. Good about me.
We flirted. A lot. He made me realize that I need to hear those things, no matter how much I put on that I don't. For a few hours, last Friday night, I wasn't Mommy, I wasn't E's wife, I wasn't a 37 year old adult. I was back to being 18 and feeling care-free. I never did anything ... but it felt good to not worry ... just for a bit.
We said good-bye that night at 3:00 (do you know the last time I was out till 3:00? Yea, me either). As soon as I got back into the car with my girlfriend, I started to sob.
It was like my whole world changed in an instant. Realizations of things I don't have in my life, but need, desperately. Realizations of how I cared for this guy back then, more than I ever realized I had. I missed our friendship. I missed feeling like I mattered in life.
My girlfriend was awesome. Hit everything on the head like a sledgehammer. Thank GOD she was there (for many reasons).
I called K after I dropped my friend off ... I wanted to let him know everything. That maybe I should have told him, twenty years ago, that I cared. That he mattered. I was always so afraid I would "scare" him off. That he would think I wanted "more." But, maybe I did. Maybe I shouldn't live my life always being afraid of what someone else will think.
I do it now. I don't tell E how I am feeling - fearful of upsetting him or starting something bigger. I don't say what I need. I don't tell E that I need to feel sexy. I need to hear it from him. I am missing that in my life, and my night out showed me that I have gaping holes in my relationship because of it.
K and I talked a lot throughout the rest of the weekend. It was cathartic. I rediscovered an old friend, and through the process, I rediscovered the "girl" in me. The "woman" in me. Not the Mom. Not the spouse. Not the daughter, employee, cook, cleaning lady, sister, driver friend ... but the woman who needs to be treated like one. I have had friends in my life all these years, but it took one that I hadn't seen in twenty years upside down.
K left on Tuesday and I was sad. He lives across the country and more than likely, I probably won't see him again. Sure, there is Twitter, Facebook, texts ... but, I will miss my friend.
But, I thank God, that I was given an opportunity to reconnect - it changed my life in so many ways.
I think E has noticed this change. He sending the boys to Grandmas for the weekend. We are finally going out to celebrate our anniversary from last month.
Like K said, maybe through all of the chaos that I felt over the weekend, something good will come out of it at home.
So far, so good.

After K left I remembered I song that I have always loved, but it never quite hit home until now:
I'm Alright by JoDee Messina
Well it's been a long time glad to see your face
I knew we'd meet again another time another place
Can't believe it's been so many years
You'd better grab a chair and a couple of beers
Lookin' good in you three piece suit
You know, I always knew you'd take the business route
You were always the one to follow the light and you look like you're doing alright

Been singin' for my rent and singin' for my supper
I'm above the below and below the upper
I'm stuck in the middle where money gets tight
But I guess I'm doin' alright

I'm all, I'm all, I'm alright
It's a beautiful day not a cloud in sight so I guess I'm doin' alright
o - oh, o - oh, I'm alright
Got a good old friend here with me tonight and I guess I'm doin' alright

Well we had a lot of dreams when we were younger
They thought we were crazy but we had the hunger
We kept a lot of friends, skipped a lot of class
Been on top of the world and knocked on our ____
We lost touch, we lost in love
We lost our minds when things got tough, but
Beatin' time is a losin' fight and I guess I'm doin' alright

I'm all, I'm all, I'm alright
It's a beautiful day not a cloud in sight so I guess I'm doin' alright
o - oh, o - oh, I'm alright
Got a good old friend here with me tonight and I guess I'm doin' alright
Well I guess I'm doin' alright

Well I hate to see this evening end
God only knows when I'll see you again
Just send a fax or send me a letter or give me a call that would even be better
Give the kids a kiss for me and say hello to the family
And tell them all my future's lookin' bright
Well, I miss 'em but I'm doin' alright
I said I miss 'em but I'm doin' alright

I'm all, I'm all, I'm alright
It's a beautiful day not a cloud in sight so I guess I'm doin' alright
o - oh, o - oh, I'm alright
Got a good old friend here with me tonight and I guess I'm doin' alright
Well I guess I'm doin' alright
I'm doin' alright

Need a place to let it all out ...

OK - It has been a long time. A really ... really long time. But I think it's time I get back in the blogging game. Without being in the working world the one thing I miss out on is being able to just vent to people who had no clue what I was talking about, but I got it out, and every once in a while I would get some nugget of advice or something that would spark my brain.

Life at home with three kids is crazy. Life at home with three kids and then being room mom to two classrooms is crazier. Life at home with three kids, being room mom to two classrooms and being team mom to a needy football team is even crazier!!!!

Life at home is crazy ... being on a budget sucks, especially since I can never make it and I have no clue where else to cut corners, If I could find something that would bring in $100 or $200 a month ... wow. What a difference.

Now onto folding laundry, cuz work at home doesn't have an end time!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Will-power vs 'will it really matter?'

So, will power is not winning lately.

You know when you have PMS and you feel like eating everything, all day, all night, and you are never full?

For the past month that has been my life. It wouldn't be such a killer if I actually had a desire to workout. Normally I can get into a groove, start enjoying the high I get from a great workout. Lately, I would rather sleep or watch a Beverly Hills 90210 rerun. It has been more satisfying to be quite honest. Now, will I say it's more satisfying when our pools open and my fatty fatty self will need to prance around in a bathing suit? Nope.

So, I need to find my inner- skinny girl. I need to find that girl who used to be addicted to 5:30 wake-ups and Spin classes.

Until I find all of that, I think I just need to find my duck tape- and close my mouth and refrigerator!!!!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Beat me up days...

So, my lovely period must be coming any day now. Why? You ask? Well.....
I stare in the mirror 120 times a day and pick myself apart.
I hate my nose.
I think I need a new hairdo.
I will probably never lose my baby belly.
I am too short.
I can not handle the construction in my house anymore. Can. Not. Handle.
I have the patience of a pea. Make that half a pea.
Everyone.... E. V. E. R. Y. O. N. E. is under my skin.
I checked the calendar and, yep, it's about time.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


So, in this crazy world of being a stay at home mom, I've come to a scary revelation: Saturday mornings have lost their excitement. Really, they have.
I use to be excited about maybe getting a few extra seconds of sleep while the boys watched cartoon (a cute 6 month old has changed that), or breakfast out, or maybe just a lazy cup of coffee.
Well, Saturday mornings have become just like Monday mornings/ just with one extra child and a husband who still thinks Saturdays are days to sleep in.
I still get up with lady l, feed the children, clean the mess, listen to the whining, and watch little j wander back and forth because 'he's bort cuz he cannot play on his video game.'
Think I need a little break in some of the monotony?
Hell yes!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013


Ever just have one if those days?

You know, the ones where you feel yucky, you feel like you 'look' yucky, your house is messy, the kids, messy .......

Yep, today is one of those days!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Gotta get back in the groove

So much has happened since I last posted - probably need to really sit down and catch it all up in paper.
Little L was born in July- she is 6 months old.
I quit my job in September - yahhooooooo! That is a post all it's own!
Now I'm just mommy... And maid... And chef... And chauffeur.... And telemarketer....
It's all crazy- but I love every second ( almost).