Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tuesday, Tuesday

Why I hate Tuesdays:

I am in the office. All.Day.Long.

I take phone call after phone call, and client after client, while the two dingbats that I work with pick their noses and shine their shoes.

Getting ready to get out of the house is a whirlwind. E somehow feels that because he has to drop the boys off at day care, that he must have everything laid out in assembly line fashion for him so that the morning runs smoothly (because he does not want to be late for work).

So, while E sleeps in bed (um, one would think, that if you didn't want to be late, one would get the eff out of bed earlier and help!) I shower, change, grab my work stuff, get the boys up, change the boys, get the boys their breakfast and vitamins, make E's lunch, set out E's breakfast (as I do this, I consistently call up to E to wake up or get out of bed) and try to remember something for my own lunch.

I lay out the boys' shoes, coats, backpacks and then finally head out the door to catch the train.

By the time I am on the train, I am irritated and tired.

By the time I get to the office, I am depressed.

By the time I am done for the day, I need to drink.

I hate Tuesdays.

By the way, who remembers to get me breakfast or lunch some days ... oh yea, that's my job too!

1 remarks:

The Pinterest Professional said...

Um, taking the boys to daycare doesn't actually count as taking the boys to daycare when you don't have to get them up, dressed, fed and out the door. He gets the EASY part! lol

But I hear ya on the morning routine! I try so hard to have patience on the mornings when C just sits there staring at his food and I have to threaten to take him to daycare hungry because we are running late. lol