Where to begin??? March came in like a lion ... and has yet to lose its roar! Little j turned the big "3" on the 14th. He was so excited. We took him to Red Robin for a birthday celebration and ice cream sundae. We came home and opened presents. Big J bought him a Dinosaur Train set - he loved it. He gave his big brother a huge hug. We bought him an adjustable basketball hoop - he went nuts. The boys played (in the living room since it was still butt-ass cold, but it was fun none-the-less) for hours that evening. March Madness started and our annual rite of what-seems-like 96 hours of straight basketball began. I love every stinkin second. I even got Big J involved and we made a family bracket. He and I were on opposing sides during the Villanova-George Mason game and watching him get so involved and excited was priceless. (And, for the record, I didn't care about Obama's picks this year either!) Little j's party was a few days later and we had a great time celebrating. The weather actually cooperated with us, so the kids played outside while the grown-ups watched basketball and ate and ate and ate. I made mini-chicken burritos, dinosaur chicken nuggets (it was a Dino themed party), and mini pizza pockets (a total hit, made from Phyllo shells). We also had some Skinnygirl Margaritas (that stuff is AWESOME - I totally recommend it!). The following week was Spring Break for Big J. I took Monday, Tuesday and Friday off .... E's Mom watched them on Wednesday and Thursday so I got to give him a real break from school and day care. Monday we took advantage of the only day that was nice and spent it shopping at the outdoor mall, eating lunch at California Pizza Kitchen and playing some baseball in the front yard. Tuesday it poured all day and we just hung out inside and did absolutely nothing. The boys loved every second of it! Friday I took them out to Noodles and Company for lunch and then we went to see Diary of the Wimpy Kid part 2. They both laughed their asses off. It was so nice to just "be at home" with them without worrying about phone calls, work email, bosses, etc, etc, etc. I love doing that (even though I want to beat their asses at the end of the day!) In between all of that we actually celebrated my birthday. After Little j's big day, I am always an after-thought. E and the boys took me to dinner at Claim Jumper - we sat at the bar and watched more basketball. I got some UCF scrubs from the boys and E is taking me to buy a large clock for our family room wall that I have been wanting for quite some time. E and I went out for a birthday dinner date on Saturday to Pete Millers ... more basketball (NCAA and NBA) and hockey ... with great food and lots of wine!!!!! It was sad to see the great week come to an end but thankfully my Mom and Dad are coming to town on Friday and I have that to look forward to! Really ready for March to leave like a lamb now .... any time. ;)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Lions and lambs ... oh my!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Number One or Number Two?
Last week little j decided that he no longer wanted to wear diapers any more, he wanted to "go potty on the potty."
He made this decision at school and they said he just made the decision and started going.
When I potty trained Big J, I was doing it on my own, as E was deployed. We started backwards, going #2, and because of that, I taught him how to pee sitting down and tucking his little thingie down. With the exception of an occasional slip, or the kid really needing to pee, my bathroom stayed clean and dry.
Fast forward a few years. Big J is now a big boy and stands up to pee. Cool. I get that. I am forever cleaning up dribbles here and there, but nothing out of this world. Crap, I still have to clean up after my husband and he is 36 years old!!!!!
little j decided that he will have to pee standing up; just like his brother. The little dude's thingie barely fits over the side of the toilet, and he refuses to hold on, so basically, while he thinks he is peeing in the potty, he is actually peeing on my walls, floors, cabinets, rugs, etc, etc, etc .....
When my little dude decides he has to finally take care of Number 2, his little thingie just "stands" there ready to shoot ... and it does ... well.
So, for the last two weeks, I have been in potty hell ...while I was overjoyed at returning a box of 144 diapers to Costco yesterday, I am overwhelmed at all of my cleanup and constant need for standing in pools of pee.
We moved on to "underwears" (as little j likes to say) this week, using Pull-ups and diapers at night until we run out. He stays dry at school, no accidents ... but then again, they have these tiny little pottys at school - they are just the right height. As soon as he got home last night, he peed and his pants and underwear and socks (and my carpet and floor) were soaked.
I have tried to show him how to sit and tuck. Big J has shown him. Daddy has shown him.
Nope, my little j wants to become Big J, Jr .... there will be no sitting and tucking if he has his way!
Tuesday, Tuesday
Why I hate Tuesdays:
I am in the office. All.Day.Long.
I take phone call after phone call, and client after client, while the two dingbats that I work with pick their noses and shine their shoes.
Getting ready to get out of the house is a whirlwind. E somehow feels that because he has to drop the boys off at day care, that he must have everything laid out in assembly line fashion for him so that the morning runs smoothly (because he does not want to be late for work).
So, while E sleeps in bed (um, one would think, that if you didn't want to be late, one would get the eff out of bed earlier and help!) I shower, change, grab my work stuff, get the boys up, change the boys, get the boys their breakfast and vitamins, make E's lunch, set out E's breakfast (as I do this, I consistently call up to E to wake up or get out of bed) and try to remember something for my own lunch.
I lay out the boys' shoes, coats, backpacks and then finally head out the door to catch the train.
By the time I am on the train, I am irritated and tired.
By the time I get to the office, I am depressed.
By the time I am done for the day, I need to drink.
I hate Tuesdays.
By the way, who remembers to get me breakfast or lunch some days ... oh yea, that's my job too!