Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Short ... but not so sweet

My boss has sunk to a new level .... really. He has.

The Blizzard that hit a few weeks ago? The one where the City and State pretty much told anyone who wasn't essential to their work (ie, doctors, police, firmen) that they shouldn't be on the roads. Period. My boss? Made people come in ... and stay until 5:00.

A co-worker had an episode last week at work. 911 was called. He had been working from home (um ... but I cannot????). When he found out, before anything got done and before the stretcher left the office, he was updating HR systems to reflect her docked sick time.

I have been working on a HUGE account for over a year. Trying to get this $ in to no avail. It finally came in on Wednesday, but the client forgot to bring something. In my boss' horribly untactful way of dealing with people, he pissed the client off and let him walk out of the office with a massive check in his pocket. And THEN had the audacity to say to me, "heh heh, oh well."

Heh Heh .... eff you dude. Really. You. are. a. DOUCHEBAG.

1 remarks:

misguided mommy said...

eww. eww ewww ewwwwww. I wanna pour laxative in his coffee